All Again For You

wasting time.

I awoke much to the same way I had yesterday. Garrett's arm was holding me loosely next to him, tightening if I tried to get up or try and shift my position. I turned my head to face Garrett; he was still sleeping, a distressed look on his normally soft face. I took in the brightness of his room, the early Arizona sun coming in through the curtains and hitting the carpeted floor.

"Hey Garrett, mom wants to know if she shou-" I heard Trey from the doorway, making a mental reminder to slap Garrett for not telling Trey I was still over. "Woah, guys!"

"Trey you fucking ass, get out of my room!" Garrett said groggily beside me.

"Jesus, Gar, chill out. Next time you should just tell me that a girl stayed over and I'll leave you alone, alright?" Trey bit down on the apple he was eating, not leaving the doorway.

"It's just Savannah, oh my God, Trey. You don't have to yell at me for her being here." Something in Garrett's words made me cringe inwardly to myself. I sat up immediately grabbing my clothes from the bathroom, not bothering to change.

"There probably won't even be a next time. Bye, Garrett." I said bitterly. I pushed past Trey and headed out the front door to my car parked across the street. I unlocked the door and got inside just as Garrett came out of the house looking like a train had hit him. I sighed, starting up the engine before he could make his way across his front lawn.

I disregarded the fact that I was being completely absurd. I couldn't myself to tell me why I was, I rarely got angry or upset with Garrett. Usually it was because of something stupid he did or said, and I took the latter, going with something he had said. He most definitely said something, that's why I upped and left.

I gripped the steering wheel, turning down my street. I hauled my car into the driveway next to the spot where my mother's car would usually be. I grabbed my clothes I had worn yesterday from the passenger seat and practically ran into my house, thankful that my mom left the front door unlocked. Tears pricked my eyes, but I willed myself not to let them go. I didn't like crying. I didn't like it even more when I was the one having tears stream down my face for no reason at all.

I headed into the kitchen, grabbing a glass out of the cabinets in the kitchen and pouring water from the pitcher my mom kept in the fridge. A note was placed on the wooden kitchen table reading,


I'll be at the shop until 8, and then Charlotte's parents invited you and me out for dinner tonight.

Much love, Mom xx

"Sure as hell I'm not going." I muttered to myself. I wasn't in the mood to socialize with anyone tonight. I figured to myself that I would stay in and listen to City and Colour curled up on my bed, half awake and half asleep. I glanced at the large clock that hung on the wall. It was nearly three in the afternoon, and I was still in the clothes Garrett had given me. I groaned, dragging myself through the house to the stairs. I climbed them, feeling as if I were about to collapse at any second.

I got to my bedroom, got a change of clothes, then proceeded my bathroom. I turned the shower on full blast, undressed and stepped in, letting the hot water loosen the knots I had in my shoulders and back. I washed my hair, shut off the water and got out. I dressed quickly, the cold air creating goosebumps on the surface of my skin.

Once I pulled the soft gray hoodie over my head, I was walked back into my room, the wood floors warm from the late afternoon sun coming through my window. I lay down on my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest and shut my eyes.

I was at the point where I was drifting in and out of sleep when I heard the front door slam shut and my mom call up to me.

"Sav, you ready?" I didn't feel the need to respond, seeing that she would just come up and knock on my door in a few minutes. "Savannah? Are you okay?" She asked from my doorway.

I sat up, nodding. "Just a bit under the weather, that's all." I flopped back on to my bed, looking up past the book shelves and to the ceiling.

"Do you want to stay home, then?" She asked, knitting her eyebrows together. I looked over at her then shrugged.

"You go to dinner with them. I'll make myself some soup and I'm just gonna relax." I bit my lip and turned back to face the wall filled with photos of my friends and I.

"Alright. I'll tell Charlotte that you're sick then, I guess?" My stomach sank. Of course Charlotte would have been going, and if my mom told her I was sick, she would have known something was up with me. I never skipped out on our dinners with them. If I did skip out on them, Charlotte was usually with me, and we were going to some sort of party with the guys.

I mumbled a "sure," as my mother headed out of my room, leaving me to stay in my room. Once I heard the door shut, I looked back up at my wall of photos, examining every single one. There was one of Charlotte and I back on the first day of kindergarten, our arms wrapped around each others. Next to that was one with Garrett and I, me looking extremely unpleased and Garrett with a huge grin on his face, his two front teeth missing. There were photos of my mom and I, one with my grandmother who lived in Colorado, and finally, one of my dad and I. The photo alone of him holding me upside down at the beach was enough to set me off crying.

"Hey, Sav, your front door was unlocked so I came up to sa-" I twisted my body to see Garrett standing my doorway, a CD case in hand. He placed it on the edge of my desk, on top of a book by Janet Fitch still waiting to be read. "What's wrong?" He walked over to me, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I pointed to the photo of my dad and I before speaking.

"Nothing. It's nothing, Garrett." I wiped my cheeks with my palms, trying to rid the tears and cover up my blotchy face.

"Savannah Claire Harrison, I know when something is up with you. And as of right now, something is definitely up in the air." He stated, only making more tears stream down my face.

"Him. He is what's wrong with everything at the moment." I choked through my tears. "He should have been here for me, Garrett. But he wasn't."

Garrett sat there on my bed, toying with the hole in the knee of his black skinny jeans. I prayed for him to say something, even if it was something stupid to make me laugh- but he didn't. Instead, he kicked off his shoes and sat cross-legged on my bed. He motioned for me to come closer to him; I moved slightly. Seeing how I wouldn't move any further, he came closer to me, sitting back down indian-style and pulled me close to him, leaning his back against the wall.

"I'm sorry, Savannah." He whispered into my still-damp hair. I wanted to object, but couldn't find the words to. He pulled me into his lap, my feet swinging over his left thigh.

I sat there, in his lap, crying for God knows how long. Garrett just held me, rubbing circles on my back and letting me cry into his sweatshirt. It was a comforting feeling, only making me feel somewhat worse about myself, in a way. I didn't tell him this though, since it would only make him distressed.

It wasn't long before I began to drift, falling asleep to the muffled talking coming from downstairs. I disregarded the footsteps coming up the stairs to my room. I felt myself being lifted, then lowered back on to my bed, and a hand trace over my cheek. Slam.

The door definitely woke me up, though.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is soooo short, I'm sorry :\
Chapter seven will have a few twists in it, I'll tell you that much (:
I probably won't be updating until Sunday night, instead I'll be thinking of ways to make chapter seven the best it can be (and shredding it up on the slopes, too!)

So how's about at least four comments by Sunday, yeah?
You guys rock<3