The Consequence

break a sweat, desperate lover

“It’s official, I hate my life.”

Ashley looked up from the television screen to see her younger step brother flounce into her bedroom. He shook his arms around in some sort of hissy fit. He stared at her, and she stared back. “What happened?”

“Wait, why are you sitting in bed? Are you sick? Is it contagious? Should I leave?” He looked worried for a moment. God forbid Logan ever fell ill. If he did, he acted like the world was ending and lay in bed, moaning and groaning, demanding that he be waited on hand and foot.

“I’m not sick. I’m just unhappy. But, come on tell me why you hate your life. I’ve not seen you for ages,” she pulled back the bed covers and Logan slumped down beside her. He pulled the sheets up to his chest and stared at the television screen.

“Gossip Girl? Godsey would be proud,” He spat out the name like it was poison.

“Yeah, I’m catching up on the Upper East Side’s slut parade.”

Logan shook his head and pushed his hair out of his eyes. “So if I tell you why I hate my life, will you promise me not to tell anyone else? Not even Halvo or Nick or Justin or anyone?”

“Cross my heart.” Ashley turned the volume of the television down and turned to Logan.

He let a heavy sigh escape his lips. “You remember Evie Vickers, right?”

Ashley nodded, with a look of distaste on her face. “Yep, I remember that irritating little hoe bag.”

“Ash, seriously.” Logan shook his head. “I’ve liked her forever, right? And it’s Justin, he gets everything he wants. So I told Evie I like her and ever since, we’ve been seeing each other in secret. I just came from hers, she hid me in the kitchen cupboard when Justin came over. It’s ugh, he pisses me off so bad.”

“Maybe it’s because he’s kinda dreamy, fro and all.”

Logan scoffed. “Ashley, we all know I have better hair.”

She raised her eyebrows and reached for the large bar of chocolate sitting on her nightstand, breaking it in half, she handed one to Logan and began chewing on the other half herself. “So, you and Evie are seeing each other in secret behind Justin’s back?”

Logan nodded. “Yep. Go on, tell me I’m fucking vile or something.”

“I don’t think you’re vile. I think that maybe you’re wading into deep water here, putting your friendship with Justin at risk, and you’re also not in the greatest position, because he’s bound to kick off at you before he says anything to Evie. So you could end up with a bloody nose at the end of it.”

“What if she breaks up with him before it comes to that?”

“Did she say she would?”

“Not exactly, but I’m sure I could persuade her. Ash, she’s not resisted so far, and we’ve been sneaking around for weeks.”

Ashley put her chocolate down and looked straight at Logan. “Listen, I’m sorry you feel second best to Justin. I remember how pissed you were when he asked Evie out, even though he knew you liked her. But if you want my advice, please don’t let this go too far. I know you think that Evie might dump Justin for you, but be realistic and think about it. I’m not so sure she’ll throw away her relationship with a guy she loves for some quick fling with you.”

Logan picked at his chocolate. “Maybe you’re right, Ash. But, if we never took risks, we’d never get anywhere. And I think Evie’s worth the fall.”

“Is she worth possibly losing out on your career? Being kicked out of the band and having them all hate you?”

“I don’t know, but I sure hope so.”

“Logan, don’t do anything you’re uncertain of. If you’re not sure of her, then don’t put yourself in harm’s way for this little affair.”

He nodded. “I don’t know. I like her, Ash. Maybe I love her, I don’t even know what love is, or what it feels like. It’s hard to feel something when you have nothing to compare it to.”

Ashley sighed. “Love is when you can’t stop thinking about that other person. When you just want to be with them all the time and it hurts to see them in pain or upset. It physically hurts you. And when you’re apart, you just want to close that distance between the pair of you. The sound of their voice soothes your soul and you embrace everything about that person, even their flaws. You can see yourself spending the rest of your life with that person.”

Logan swallowed hard, staring down at his hands. “Then, I think I’m in love with Evie.”

Ashley’s eyes welled up with tears. “Yeah, I just wish I was with Eric.” She glanced down at the engagement ring still glittering on her finger. In one swift movement, she’d taken it off and placed it on the nightstand beside her, letting Logan pull her into a tight hug.

And that’s where they stayed for the rest of the day, each wallowing in their own burning pit of heartache.
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I'm not gonna lie, I've hit a major brick wall with this. This is the last chapter I have written up and ready to go. I wanted to leave you with something before I disappear for a week tomorrow. Zara and Stephen are forcing a writer's block on me, but I'm thinking of writing other chapters and then weaving them into it when I've worked it all out. Shit is really gonna go down with Evie though, so dramatics will be coming soon (:

So predictions and what you would like to happen would be really interesting to read when I get back.