The Consequence

just look at the mess you made

“And this is us on the beach, and this is us in that really posh restaurant, and this is us in the bar, Taylor got really sick that night,” Lianna Juwig tapped at the mouse on her laptop, showing off her stunning holiday photos to her best friend and younger sister. “He drank too much,” she shot Taylor a glare across the kitchen counter. He grinned at her innocently.

The entire house was empty, save the kitchen. Evie was slumped over the counter. Her eyelids barely open as she listened to her sister gush about one bar, club or restaurant, with Libby’s envious responses. She rested her head on her arms, watching Taylor and Slade flick each other in the arm.

“And oooh, you’d have loved this place,” Lianna gushed. She pointed to the screen excitedly, showing her best friend exactly what she was missing. The perks of being married.

Evie yawned, her mouth opening wide. She was exhausted, having not gotten a wink of sleep that previous night.

“Tired?” Taylor asked, “or just bored?”

“Bit of both,” she croaked, her voice hoarse from it’s lack of use. “I can’t sleep very well without Justin these days.”

“I was exactly the same,” Lianna smiled at her, before looking back at the laptop screen and chattering on to Libby about sand.

Evie forced herself to sit up and slipped off her stool, heading for the living room, where she curled up on the sofa, clutching a cushion to her chest. She flicked on the television, flipping through the channels until she found an episode of 90210 from a few weeks ago. She absorbed herself in the lives of Beverly Hills’ rich and not so famous, her eyelids dropping slightly.

She could still hear the chatter and laughter of Lianna and Libby and the bored mumblings of their better halves from the kitchen. She tried to block it out, focusing her gaze on the designer outfit’s the cast got to wear. She sighed heavily, wishing Justin was sitting beside her, even though he hated 90210 with a passion.

She reached over for her phone sitting on the coffee table and tapped off a message to him, pressing send and setting it down on the sofa beside her. The second she got a delivery report, the door bell echoed through the empty house. Evie glanced towards the kitchen, noting her sister either hadn’t heard the door bell or didn’t care as to who was on the other side of it. She brought herself to her feet and padded into the hallway, opening the door to see Ryan and Logan standing there.

“Hey,” Ryan smiled at her.

“Hi. What are you two -” she didn’t even need to finish her question, realisation hitting the pair of them in the face.

“Justin’s not here, idiot, I told you he wasn’t going to be, but noooo,” Ryan folded his arms and glowered at Logan. “I don’t have money to throw around for gas, and I don’t see anyone else willing to chauffer us around.”

Logan rolled his eyes. “I already told you I’d pay for the gas,” he spoke through gritted teeth, shooting Ryan a dark look.

“Before you ask, I don’t know where he is,” Evie yawned.

Ryan sighed heavily. “Okay, we’ll see you later, Evie.” He grabbed Logan by the shirt collar and dragged him down the drive way towards his beaten up, second hand car.

Evie sighed. She wished she could disappear with them. Closing the door, she stepped back inside and closed her eyes. Her mind was exhausted, as was her body. She headed back to the sofa, grabbing a cushion and holding it close. She laid down, her eyelids dropping.

She was asleep as a text arrived to her phone.

I’ll come by later, babe. Band stuff xx
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhhh, don't feel too bad for Evie just yet. (: Allllll will be revealed soon.

Comments would be greatly appreciated.