Status: Just an intro.

First Date


He is your typical tall, dark and handsome guy. But I couldn't resist. I never thought much of him until last week, but now I can't wait for our date. He walks through the halls of school like he owns the place. His black hair, never out of place. His piercing green eyes could make any girl's heart stop, his eyes could make a girl blush for the rest of the day. And that smile? Don't even get me started on his smile. His smile can be the most gentle and caring smile you've ever seen, or it could be the smirk that lets you know he's up to something, kind of dangerous, but not dangerous enough to stay away. He's Jaden Carraway, and right now he's on his way to pick me up for our first date.
I'm really not sure if he's a good guy or not, I haven't been able to pay attention to anything but his eyes for more than a minute without going all girly and forget what I was saying. Yeah, I've got it bad. So the first time I saw him, not the first time I literally saw him, but the first time I really saw him and went all super girly and giggly, he was wearing those grey jeans that look so good, and that soft and worn out leather jacket that I just love. I hope he wears that tonight, because at least I'm used to that, if he looks any better, I definitely won't be able to function.
I hear a loud roar coming down my road.
"There's no way that's him..." I thought out loud to myself as I finished putting on my mascara. And the next thing I know, my doorbell rings. I race downstairs to the door, and there's Jaden standing there with one yellow rose.
"Hello Olivia, this is yours," says Jaden as he handed me the rose. I'm all smiles, and wonderful, I'm starting to turn red.
"Thank you," I squeak out with a grin. He goes to take my hand and I flinch away.
"Uh, I have to tell my Mom I'm leaving now, one sec okay?" I can hear my voice shaking, why am I so nervous? It's just a date, I need to chill.
When I came back to him, he was standing politely in the front hall looking at the pictures on the wall. I've always been such a good girl, and the pictures truly reflected that.
"Cute," said Jaden. And again, I'm blushing.
"Well, here's your helmet," he said as he handed me a small black helmet.
"Helmet? What for?" I said in somewhat of a panic.
"My motorcycle, that's how I got here, that's how I plan to take you out tonight," he said calmly but with a tone that showed there were no other options.
My heart is going crazy. Adrenaline is racing through my veins, do I say no because I'd never be allowed to do this? Or do I go for it, and possibly have the best night I've ever had? The only thought coherently going through my head as I took the helmet is, "Mom's gonna kill me."
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An assignment for English class on characterization. To be perfectly honest, I don't even know if this belongs as a story. I simply don't know where else to post it. What do you guys think? (: