The Voice That Haunts Me

Me, Myself, and Kiera

I stared at the rain as it fell outside my classroom window. My teacher drowned on and on but I didn’t need to listen, I always knew the answer.

That’s because I’m actually listening to her.
That’s not true Kiera, I know what she’s talking about. I’d know the answer if she asked the question.
Oh really?

“Kari do you know the answer?” My teacher asked with a bored voice.
“The war was lost because of the ignorance and stupidity of the general. Not to mention his uncontrollable rage, which allowed the enemy to exploit his weakness’ and the holes in his plan.” I kept staring out the window as she began talking again.

Told you.
Your lucky your smart you know that.
Well of course. I have you to thank for that, Kiera.
That you do.

Kiera turned silent again as I continued watching the rain. There wasn’t a point in listening to the teacher anyway. I was only hear because it was the law that I go to school, not because I needed to learn anything. It was one of the only thing’s that didn’t make any sense to me. I had been tested. I had been proven and certified as a child prodigy and a genius. So why is it that they stuck me in kuso classes when they knew I could teach the class myself in half the time it was taking the teacher. Damn I’m using that battle school slang again. I really need to stop reading those Ender series books. But I’ve got to admit the slang is catchy. And most of it are actual words from around the world, so there.

You know it’s funny. You can have a conversation without me even responding.

I giggled along with Kiera as the bell rang and I gathered my stuff. I grabbed my umbrella that was as big as I was and put on my rain coat.

Time to make our way home in the mud Kiera.
Just don’t start singing your rain songs again.
I can’t help it. I really am a 6 year old at heart.

Your probably wondering what a 6 year old is doing walking home, partially, alone. Well my mother, if you can call her that, really does not care about me. She doesn’t hit me but she doesn’t really take care of me. I order the groceries to be sent to the house, I cook the meals, I pay the bills. Really she’s just there. She doesn’t really have a job and she doesn’t really need one. My father died a few years ago and not only did I get a giant trust fund but my mother got a lot of money as well. My father had been some big business tycoon and died in a plane crash. It’s weird though. My mother takes care of herself. She bathes, feeds, and clothes herself without me. She just doesn’t take care of me. Really I think she just forgot I was here. She hasn’t really been right in the head since my father died but I wasn’t going to rat her out. I would be out in foster care and then passed around or kept with one family. It wouldn’t feel right and I don’t think I really need someone to take care of me anymore. Anyway, as I walked home there wasn’t much mud, which was weird because it was raining pretty hard.

There’s something wrong.
What? What are you talking about Kiera?
Just get home. Now! Run!

I broke out into a run and closed my umbrella as I went. My little legs weren’t getting me far but thankfully I was almost home. I quickly punched in the security code to our gated house. Which by the way didn’t do much cause people could hope it. Just not me. I ran up the path way and opened the door. It was unlocked today which was weird.

Which way Kiera?
Up the stairs, your mother’s room!

I ran up the stairs to my Mother’s room as quickly as I could. I tripped in my haste and fell on the top step. I pushed my self up and ran to my mother room. What I saw. . .not even I could handle it.

I screamed and fell to the floor, just as kiera did in my head.