The Voice That Haunts Me


Third person point of view

A little girl,, no older than six sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair. She did not look around curiously as most children would, but just stared at the ground. The building was in distress as people rushed around her. News reporters mobbed the outside, all trying to get inside. To get to the girl. A woman across the room had been watching the girl. She was just paying a traffic ticket but saw the child and forgot all about it. She then went up to the receptionist desk.

“Excuse me miss?” The blond woman interrupted the secretaries typing.

“Yes, my I help you?”

“I know it’s really none of my business, but I can’t help but be curious. Whose that little girl over they’re? And why is she by herself?” The receptionist got a gloom face and whispered to the blond.

“That’s Kari Valentine. She’s that child prodigy and genius. He mother killed herself and she discovered it.”

The Blond was shocked and looked to the little girl sympathetically. She looked to sweet to have something so tragic happen to her. Soft strange white hair. Was it possible to have white hair? Her skin was flawless and was surprisingly not tanned. It wasn’t pale either but just in the middle. She had on a black ribbon as a head band type thing, as well as an adorable dress. Lolita? At least that’s what the woman thought that style was called. Her parents must have been rich for her to dress like that on a regular basis.

“And her father?” The blond asked. The brunette receptionist shook her head sadly.

“He died years ago in a plane crash coming home. He was the founder and head of some big cooperation that went global. He was coming home for her birthday, at least that’s what the file says. She also has no other living relatives. She’s up for adoption but it will be hard. She has a very big trust fund from both parents and she controls their business’ now. Only a couple with money who wouldn’t need her trust fund could be able to adopt her. Of course they’re aren’t that many who wish to be parents who have that kind of money.”

“I’ll do it.”


“I’ll do it. My husband Is in a world wide successful band so money’s not an issue. We also live here in Huntington so she could manage her parents business, visit their graves. She might have to switch schools but who knows yet.” The receptionist nodded slowly.

“If that’s what you want. I will get the paper work and notify her.”

The blond nodded and walked over to the little girl. She tapped her on the shoulder.

“Excuse me, your Kari right?” The little girl looked up and nodded slowly. She had the strangest blue eyes. At least the woman thought they were blue. She had certainly never seen anyone with that eye color, not even contacts. The girl nodded her head.

“What business do you have with me miss?” The girl asked and the woman blinked in surprise. She had to remind herself that this child is after all a genius.

“I’m sorry about your mother and your parents. I know they’re going to put you up for adoption and wanted to tell, well ask you really, if my husband and I could adopt you. Were not after your trust fund. Were wealthy on our own. What do you say?” The woman looked hopefully at the girl but the girl glared.

“I don’t need some guy and woman struttin’ yelda ‘bout being my parents! I can take care of myself. Benn doing it for years. Any “parent” who want me don’t need me. I don’t need them. Neh?”

The girl sat back down and glared at the woman with her arms crossed. The woman blinked in surprise. She couldn’t believe such a smart girl would be using such improper English. And those words she used, they sounded familiar to her and yet she couldn’t place them. The woman sat next to the girl.

“You know I can’t believe such a smart girl would sue such improper English. Where did you learn to speak like that?” The girl shrugged.

“What’s it to you Blondie?” The woman also shrugged and the girl sighed.

“It’s battle school slang.” The woman’s eyes brightened.

“You mean like those Ender books? A good friend of mine loves them and tells me all about them. Of course I still haven’t gotten around to reading them but. . . anyway, you taught yourself the slang?”

“it’s not that hard. Just using improper English and words from languages I’ve already learned.”

“You’ll have to teach me sometime.” The girl grew hostile once more.

“I told you I ain’t gonna let you adopt me!”

“Look Kari, I don’t want to be your new everything. I just want to take care of you. I could never and would never try to replace your parents. I just want to care for you. I’m not exactly sure why. Would you please let me adopt you?” The girl seemed to contemplate it in her head.

“You’ve got nothing to lose. Neh?” The woman had picked up enough that she knew when you said ‘neh’ it had something to do with asking if you were right or something.

“Eh.” The girl answered. Val took that as an agreement sort of word.

“Can I ask you a question?” The girl nodded.

“I’ve never seen your hair and eye color before, is it natural?”

“Yes. I was born this way. Baffled scientist around the world and yet they still haven’t figured out it was a simple misconception in my DNA strands. No really uncommon. It usually gives weird eye color or two different eye colors. But in my case it changed both my eyes and hair. I was suppose to have jet black hair and plain brown eyes.”

“You’ve figured that out all yourself?”

“When I was three.”

"I see. So what do you say about coming to live with my husband and I?"