Bulletproof Loneliness

chapter 2

“Thanks for the ride!” Nicki said as she opened the door to the car and flashed a quick smile. “Ill call you later!”

“Okay!” I yelled back to her.

She leaped from the car and walked up to her front door to unlock it. Once she got in she gave me an assuring wave and I headed home.


“I’m home” I announced and put my bag on the glass counter. No response.

“Hellooooooo”? This time I shouted. Still no answer.

I walked over to the kitchen table and noticed a small sheet of paper.


We’ll be home Monday. I left a little money for food in your room. Be good and stay safe. We love you!

Mom and dad

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” I mumbled to myself; I completely forgot that my parents were going to be staying at some beach house for the weekend.

Well, I hade the whole house to myself so I could do pretty much anything I like in the next 48 hours. Hummmmmmmmmm…what to do. Fuck it, even if I had a party, no one would came anyways. I walked to my bedroom down the hall and put on my old swimsuit that became discolored after my mom decided to spill bleach on it. It still fit but it also looks like someone vomited all over it. I didn’t really mind because I was going to be all by myself anyways right? Wrong.

I made my way to the heated pool and jumped in one of those floating chairs to relax. My skin was as pale as snow its self so I really needed the hot sun today. I finally got situated and closed my eyes so that maybe I could fall asleep and then wake up tan as toast. But to my pleasant surprise, the minute I closed my eyes I heard a familiar voice scream my name.

“Ughh, Nicki, what ever happened to ‘ill call you later’?” I didn’t bother to open my eyes.

“Nice bikini.” It sounded like a guy said.

My eyes flickered open and I found Nicki and two other guy’s about our age, standing on either side of her. The one on her right side was tall and skinny [a bit to skinny] and had bleached blond hair and dark brown eyes. On the left was the one who commented on my beautiful display of a bathing suit and he was a taller guy with black hair that covered a little bit of his right eye and from what I could tell was green eyes.

“This is Jake” Nicki said as she pointed to her right. “And this is Jason” To her left.

“Hi.” They both mumbled at once.

All of them sat itn a line along the pool edge with their legs in the water. Jake stared out into the distance as did Jason. But Jason actually seemed to glance towards me once in a while.

“Jake’s my cousin and Jason is just his friend; I don’t think you meet them before, have you?” She spoke as she kicked her legs around the water and then looked back up at me once she was finished.

“No.” I responded quietly.

“Oh, well, this is Chelsea” She bumped both Jake and Jason and then tilted her head over to me.

“Umm… are you hungry? I could get some food if your gonna stay” I said as I got off my chair and swam to the edge of my pool next to Jason.

I felt strange when he kept his eyes on me as I climbed out of the pool so I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into the kitchen. The three of them walking behind me.

“So what do you want?” I asked.

“Actually I want pizza.” Jake spoke for the first time.

“Okay, ill come too because you don’t know where it is. Jason do you think you’ll be okay here for a few minutes?” she glanced at him and then grabbed her car keys.

“Yeah, go ahead, ill be fine.” Jason replied as he walked to the living room and plopped himself on the couch.

Nicki and Jake left through the front door and I was all alone with Jason. Great. Just perfect, im left with some guy that I don’t even know and im supposed to entertain him until his buddy comes back. How do I do that?