

Reign, as normal a person as you or me, always went along with his daily chores and did as he was told. In fact, everyone in Jillopia had to do what they were told, not out of respect, but our of fear of the gods. It was hot most days in Jillopia, but it was this particular day that something special happened to Reign.

He did his chores like normal, but when he went to move a stone, he found something crawling, something green and long. He picked it up and showed everyone. The townspeople were scared and had no idea what to do when the god Kilo came down. He told Reign that he had made an amazing discovery and that he must go with him at once, so Reign went with Kilo to Mount Olympus. When they got there, Kilo told Reign that he was going to be a god, but he wasn't sure what his alignment would be, so he told Reign to stay on the mountain while they figured it out.

Reign held the long green thing when it suddenly slipped out of his hands and fell all the way to the ground. He instantly teared up and started crying like he was two years old. As he was crying water starting falling from the sky all over the town. Kilo went up to him and told him that he would be the god of making water come from the sky, and that this power would be known as rain.