

I sat in my car early the next morning. It was a chilly fifty-two degrees. All I could think about was Zack. I wondered what he was doing at the very moment. I’m sure sleeping but you could never know. It is the military we’re dealing with.

Next thing I knew Matt pulled into the driveway. A huge smile was planted on his face. He was obviously excited to be going to Italy with me.. “What‘s up.” He greeted, still grinning as he hopped into my car. “Are you ready to go?” I asked. He simply nodded. After I pulled out of the driveway; on my way to Italy.

“Matt, Zacky and me had pretty much planned our whole honeymoon so can me and you just pretend we’re newlyweds?” I asked, knowing what they would think if I took another man into my honeymoon suite. “I guess I could do that. No touchy, touchy, kiss me, kiss me though.” He smiled, joking with me as we drove to the airport.


Two months later.

“Matt, I received an email from Zack!” I yelled, ushering Matt to see it. I was so excited. “Took him long enough.” He smiled, showing off the amazing dimples. I shook the thought from my mind and started to read.

Dear Emma,
I miss you so much baby. I know it took me a while but I’ve been so busy training. It’s so exhausting. I’m also very excited/scared of your pregnancy. I hope everything goes okay with me so I can be there for both of you. I hope you had a great time in Italy with your bitches, I’m sure you had fun honey. Well, reply back as soon as you can. I love and miss you with all my heart.

Xoxo, Zack.

“Well, he’ll be there.” Matt sighed, sitting on the bed. “What’s wrong?” I asked, closing my email and joining him on the bed. “Zack, he just doesn’t even know how lucky he is.” He frowned. How could Zack possibly be lucky at this point? I didn’t get it. “How is he lucky?” I asked, confused to where he was getting at. “He’s married and has a baby on the way. I’m single and baby-less.” He snorted, unhappy about his life. “You’ll find her.” I smiled, looking into his green eyes.

“Well Matt, who knows.” I signed, looking down at my barely pregnant belly. He frowned and put his hand upon my growing stomach. I continued to look into his bright green eyes and felt his face close the gap between us. His hot breath brushed my face and my stomach filled with butterflies. “Emma-” His raspy voice was blocked by my lips pressed against his in what seemed like the perfect moment in years.

Zack’s point of view.

“Are you ready for Iraq?” I asked Brian as we laid in our beds. “Not hardly.” He sighed, being just as scared as I was. Our time in Texas training was now up and we we’re heading to Iraq in the morning. All I could think about was if I were to never come back home. How would Emma be able to take care of the baby by herself? “I’m scared dude.” I sighed. “Me too.” He replied.

“Stop being such fucking babies.” Some guy in another bed scoffed. “Excuse me?” I asked, pissed about being called a baby. “You guys are fucking beauty queens about this shit, stop it. I have just enough to be scared about as you and am I complaining?” He explained, being a dick. I decided to ignore the guy and just go to sleep while Brian had other plans.

“Fuck you dude. You no feeling son of a bitch! My friend here has a baby on the way and might not fucking see it!” Brian screeched, getting off of his bed and ready to fight with this guy. ‘Brian, forget about it.” I scolded, getting off of my own bed and trying to hold him back. “No, fuck him!” He yelled more, waking some of the other soldiers up. “Brian, stop!” I yelled at him, trying to prevent this fight as much as possible.

“What’s all the fuss about in here!” Our sargent screamed, waking all of the other soldiers up. “This prick doesn’t know how to shut his mouth.” Brian said. Gee, he really didn’t know how to shut his own mouth. “Both of you, out of here!” He yelled, telling both me and Brian to get out. “What the fuck, Brian!” At that point, I was so aggravated with everything. Honestly, I wanted to fucking cry at this point.

We both grabbed our stuff and walked out of our camp. “Both of you, give me four hundred push ups.” The sargent declared. “I didn’t get sent over here to fucking do push ups!” I scowled, yelling at the sargent myself. The sargent went silent, walked towards me and stopped an inch in front of my face. “Drop and give me four hundred push ups. Is that clear soldier?” He fumed, pissed at me standing up at him.

Not knowing what to do, I turned into a pussy and dropped to the ground with Brian. “What a fucking nightmare Brian.” I wept, ready to cry as I did push ups all night long.
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Finally updated. Hope it was good. :)