Status: On Hold

Evil In Your Heart

Butterfly Wings

I cling my jacket close to my body, my breath playing out in front of me. The snow that fell to the ground stuck in my hair and landed on my skin, making the temperature seem even lower. My gloves seem to serve no purpose at all as I shove my hands into my pockets, my fingers numb.

Other girls laugh, their cheerful giggles like butterfly wings, brushing timidly at your ear. I itch to swat those butterflies away.

They grow closer now, their presence light and bubbly. I wish I had a pin to pop that bubble.

I reach my street, almost feeling the warmth of my home heat my bones. The thought is enough to make me sprint. I smile as I run inside, warming instantly. My fingers regain feeling, as do my cheeks.

I glance around, my smile fading. There's so many memories here. So many things that bring tears to my eyes. I turn to leave, embracing the cool air again.

Why did you leave me?
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another story I've decided to start. good news! VIRUS IS GONE!!!! i'll be updating more frequently now. :)