Status: completed.

The Letter

January 27, 2010

August 18 3:24 pm

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Baker,

We regret to inform you, that on August 15, 1905 at precisely 5:24 in the evening, the body of a Ms. Celeste Baker, recently turned Moore, was found, dead. Along with her, was her husband Michael Moore and 70 others. Few remained alive after this fatal crash. The train seemed to have rode off the track during a blizzard and toppled over a multiple times. The accident had taken place between 2:00 and 3:00 this afternoon. We offer our condolence to the Baker and Moore family and will do anything to help you cope with your losses. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any more information about the accident, the return address has been specified. We are more than welcome to help you with any funeral arrangments. Feel free to contact my department at any time.

Deputy Martin Jones

∴ ∴ ∴

August 15, 12:00 am

She quickly scribbled her signature at the end of the letter before creasing it and putting it into an envelope. Grabbing the family seal off of the burning candle wick, she pressed it onto the envelope. Setting the sealed paper on the end of her desk, she grabbed her bag and made her way to the window.

Looking down, she saw the dark silhouette of her soon-to-be husband. Husband. She nearly fainted at the thought of it. Swooning at the sound of his voice calling to her, she looked around the room once more, before grabbing her father's cloak off of the back of her rocking chair.

She quickly blew out the burning candle, enclosing herself in complete darkness. Tossing down her ruck sack, she hoisted up her skirts before making her way down the vines conveniently placed by her window. She slowly descended the thick burly branches. Grasping her by the waist, he helped her overcome the last few feet and took off down the road. They couldn't wait to start their life together.

∴ ∴ ∴

August 14, 11:47 pm

Dear Mother,
I'm running away. Me and Michael are getting married. I'm sorry that it had to be like this, but you know how father is. I just can't be what he wants me to be. I can't conform to his ways. Its just not what I want. I know that he is doing this because he loves me, but I can make my own decisions, or mistakes. You understand that. Please help him to.

I really and truly love Michael, mother. He's amazing. If only father would let him stick around long enough to see that. He makes me happy. Shouldn't that count for something, if not everything. I'm terribly lucky to have found my soul mate. Because I know that he is that, nothing less. Never.

I'll return one day. Hopefully by then, everything would have calmed down at home and we'll have our own little munchkins running around. I can already see it.

You, Colette and I would be sitting on the back porch, sipping away at our lemonade, gossiping as usual. Michael cocking his pistol into place right as Father walks up to him, teaching him the correct way to do so. Avery giggling as he stumbled around the yard. Bella blowing her bubbles into the bright warm, September sky. Can't you just picture it mum?

I love you mummy. I love daddy, too. Make sure he knows that. I hope that Colette finds 'the one'. The one that can make her smile. The one that can make her laugh. The one that gives her butterflies from head to toe. The one that will always be there to catch her when she falls or pick up the pieces whenever she's broken a part. The one that would never let her get into a situation that would cause her to feel any pain. Just like in her fairytale books. I know I have.

Love you forever,
♠ ♠ ♠
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Hope you liked it love.