Status: yep

The girl we all want


You wanna know what I did today? You really wanna know what I did today? I did absolutely nothing! No mall, no work, no movie, no party, no school, no practice, no nothing. and I loved every second of it! until my mom made me go to the store. Yeah, I may be 16 but I still have to listen to my mom. But I wonder what Tiffany was doing today. Knowing her past records (which I don't) shes probably doing the same.

So this is how my awesomely, boring, wonderful day went:
I woke up around one am, fell back asleep, then woke up to my sister Hanna siting on my around eleven yelling "No one like a sleepy head, So get your butt out of bed! Only sleep in if your sick, Deal with it or suck my dick!" I pushed her off. Fell back asleep and woke up around twelve to Hanna's car pulling out of the driveway (Going home I think). Ate. Played Nintendo (yes old school Nintendo) till one. Ate. and then sat down and watched television until my mom made me go to the store around two twenty.

I obviously know absolutely nothing about Tiffany, because when I got to Wallmart she and Tori where outside singing to people.

"Gatelin!" Tori called and ran to hug me when she saw me walking towards them. "Hey! want to pay and help the cause?"

"What's the cause?" I asked

"It's for the 'pleas help Tiffany, so Tori can go home' foundation" she said with a hopeful smile

"I dono" I said, playing "Sounds kinda sketchy to me"

"Gatelin! We fired sketchy, you should know that!"

I laughed "okay, okay, here" I said putting money in the blue box they had out.
"Thank you so much!" Tori squealed

Tiffany,siting on the ground, looked up from the money dropping and smiled "Hey Gatelin. rock or soft?"

"What?" I asked

"You payed now you get a song. I usually can only do rock or soft, but I can maybe do rap. Not that much cause Tori cant rap"

"Uh, na you don't have to"

"No. I'm going to whether you like it or not so you mind as well stick around to hear it"

"Do I get any say in this?" Tori asked

"No"Tiffany and I said simultaneously.

"Nice to know I have control over my life"

"That was the plan" Tiffany said, she had started to wright so she was a little distracted.

Tori went inside to get a drink, so I was left there waiting for Tiffany to finish writing. I tried to start a conversation but she kept telling me to wait until she was done. So I just sat, there, next to her and watched her wright. Her skin was light brown, she looked like she was white with a really good natural sun tan, but I knew she was just half black. Her hair was dark brown, but it was straitened, I knew, and the oil made it look black. Her eyes where brown and almen shaped so it looked chines, her nose was a little big, and her lips where almost to full. Her long legs where spread out in front of her, and her back was hunched over her notebook..

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh, no reason"

"okay' She said looking away slowly. Great. Now she thinks I'm a creeper. How am I possibly going to get anywhere if she thinks I'm going to rape her? Nice going Gatelin. Nice going.

I glances back over to her to see if she was done, and noticed her smiling in another direction. I followed her gaze to Juan Avila. The Mexican that goes to our school. You wouldn't even know he existed if they didn't call role. Sometimes even the teacher's ask if he's new. he looked over our way, smiled, waved, then tripped and almost fell. I heard Tiffany laugh, as he regained his balance. I felt a twinge of hatred and jealousy. But I let it blow over. There's nothing to be jealous about. It's just Juan
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to make this longer to. I might later
I did make chapter one longer so if you didn't go and read it.
It took my forever to make this layout cause at first it wouldn't save, so like it. The background is actually a collage from the real Tiffany's room that she took a picture of.
I'm nor sure If I'm spelling college like the school or the picture thing. Sorry
And I would LOVE to thank my first subscriber. I didn't expect to get one until at least chapter three.