Status: yep

The girl we all want


The school called really early this morning. My house isn't to big so it woke everyone up, and everyone started yelling at me because I was closest to the living room.

"Hello" I said half asleep, and little peeved that the school would call this early. I guess the boe never sleeps.

"Hello" I recognized the principals voice from the morning announcements. I've never actually bean to her office, I don't even know where it is. "Is this the guardian of Mr.Avila?"

"uh" I said, still trying to shake the sleep off "Which one?" I realized how stupid that sounded after I said it. We all have the same last name.

"Juan" I paused for a second trying to figure out what I did. Nothing. I don't do anything. If I did any less I would be sleeping in class. My grades are fine, A's and B's. Never seen the Principal's office. Not in any clubs so it couldn't be anything like that. Didn't do anything wrong, that I know of.

"yeah, I mean no, yeah. One sec." Yeah Juan, I thought to myself, that sounded real professional. "Dad" I banged on my dads door, and realized I fell asleep against it when he opened it and I fell on the floor.

"Yeah" He said looking down at me


He took the phone, pulled me up, and I went back to bed. It didn't feel like I even fell asleep before my mom came it and woke me up. Her way of waking me up and putting Danial to sleep are the exact same except for when the says. "Juan" She always whispered in my ear "Up, babe, up"

I groaned and she left, taking that as a sign that I'll be up in a minute. She always said that was the difference between me and everyone else. I used as little sound a possible to get my point across, when everyone else yells about it.

"What did the school want?" I asked after I had gotten dressed and was in the living room

"They just want to talk to us" She said


"Yeah, Juan" she had that voice that said tell-the-truth-or-my-foots-going-so-far-up-your-ass-you'll-taste-my-knee. "What did you do?"

I froze "Nothing, I-I don't thing. I-"

"okay" She said back to her normal voice. I smiled getting it. She was trying to get me to admit to something.

Me and my mom have a pretty good relationship. When we're in the car together we listen to music talk, stuff like that. I'm not the stereotype teenager who hates his parents and wants to run away. But don't get me wrong I'm not a mama's bot ether. I just like my mom.

When we got to office I kinda zoned and looked around for awhile. There was a lot of crap around her office, a lot of papers, pictures, bags, and stuff like that. I would think if your a person of authority you would want to clean up a bit, you know, look the part, and not like you live in your office. Maybe she did, there where about 4 pairs of shoes under her desk, and teachers don't get that much money. I could see the padded cell in the next room. Yeah, we have a padded cell. We have three. Blue, red and green. Our school has that many psycho's. well, okay not psycho they just have short tempers.

"Juan" My mom said "did you hear her?'


"We think you need to broaden your social circle. You know communicate with other people other than your usual friends."

What's wrong with my usual friends? I mean, no there not cool, not anywhere near that. But there's nothing wrong with them.

"We think" She went on "It would be good if you participate in the school talent show. To brake out of your shell."

I have a shell? Sens when? "okay." I said. Talent show? What the hell kinda talent do they thing I have? My mom smiles at me and then I zoned again.

My mom drove home then sent me to the store, around three. What the hell am I suppose to do at a talent show? acrobatics? juggling? The amazing boy of no words. Yeah, that one could work. Not. I could go all expected, old school, and sing. I'm not to bad.......I guess. I got out and tripped over my old beat up boots. nice, Juan, nice. At least try to stay standing. Keep the falling for the talent show. That way people can be entertained by you're mistakes I thought as I spotted Tiffany in front of the store. She was looking at me, and when she noticed me looking back she smiled. Gatelin was siting next to her. I don't really know him but by the look on his face it looked like he wasn't to happy with me. Wonder why.

Tiffany waved and I waved back. Then I almost fell. I got my balance before I had a chance to, but I looked up and saw Tiffany smiling at me. I smiled back. Smooth Juan, Smooth.

Oh, look. I'm entertaining already.
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I made chapter one longer too. sorry I keep doing this.
I'm kinda happy. I have two subscribers which means one for every chapter and I think I have about 10 readers for both which means one out of every five people who read this likes it and if I knew how many people read it the first time I could figure out how many people might read it this time but then I'd have to factor in how many people I talked to read it, how many people found it in the story section, and if Drew, Elliot, and Tiffany red it because they don't count, and I'm sounding really nerdy right now so I'm going to stop my math rant and just thank whoever subscribed.
Thank you