Status: yep

The girl we all want

Hollywood waffles

Tiffany left and i was left there alone with Gatlin. It wasn't exactly a dream but there was an easy way to wake up. I went inside to get what m mom asked for.

After I got it i went to the Music section to look at some Cd's. i wonder what Tiffany's phone was playing. I guess it was rock, I don't know to much about that. The only rock I listen to is papa roach, Linkin park, and whatever comes on the radio.

A fly just flew in front of me. then another fly. Holy shit this fly just attacked the other one! I think it was being raped. I bet the fly was from Hollywood. Hollywood whore.

"Hollywood whore" I started to mumble. "Passed out on the floor. Can't take it no more. I'm sorry but the party's over. The talk of the town, is he's going down."

"I'm sorry but the party's over."

My head snapped to the side, to see Gatlin. He turned his head towards me "Hollywood whore. Never really liked he song, I thought it was kinda stupid."

"Good to know" I mumbled and walked down to a different section. That was weired. I swear, the extra cloth in my pants could make 8 of his. How can he ever walk? What's so fascinating about skinny jeans? All their going to do is make him unable to had kids. I smiled to myself hes going to brake his penis

I picked up a Jill Scott CD and got daydream stuck in my head.

"woes sealing woes right around the toes" I mumbled " And the crack heads beg right around the lower leg. Crooked police stations round the knees that do drive byes right up and down the thighs."

"Rap" I looked up to see Gatlin again "hate it."

"You and everyone else" I mumbled and walked back down the isle."

I picked up a random CD. It was Appeal to Reason by rise against. I looked on the back and saw the song savior and started to sing/mumble it to get daydream out of my head.

"I don't hate ya boy I just want to save ya while there's still something lest to save. i told you I loved ya boy but that's not the answer to the questions that you still have."

"whoaooa, Whoaoao." Gatlin again

I looked up "I heard it on a friends Ipop" he said

I sighed 'What do you want?"

"what do you mean what do I want?" He asked trying to act Innocent.

"Why are you talking to me?"

"am I not allowed to talk to the great Juan."

I sighed. he's not worth it "Man, whatever." I went down to the candy isle and filled the bag I had 1/3 of the way with candy then went to the freezer section and filled another 1/3 with toaster waffles, and the last 1/3 with chocolate syrup. I couldn't stomach the stuff but Alex loved it.

"that looks like a healthy meal." Gatlin said "Explains your pants."

Oh, trying to gab at my non-existent weight. Just 'cause I'm a normal size and don't like to suffocate my balls. I'm not a girl, I don't give a fuck.

I ignored him and went to the front to pay. but of cores, he had to fallow me.

"So, are you going to eat all the by yourself? It's not very healthy ya know. Girls don't like fat guys."

"What do you want?" I asked

"I don't want anything."

"Sure you don't. You're just bugging me for the hell of it."


Bastard. But he's still not worth it. Plus, what would it accomplish? He's Tiffany's friend and if I decide to make enemies I'm just screwing myself over. And I'd much rather be screwed over by someone else. But then again I promised my mom I'd stay a virgin till I was 18 and that I wouldn't get anyone pregnant until I got out of college.

Wow, now that I think about it I sound like a really loser. Oh well, that's what I get for falling for fake mom tears.

When I left the store I halfway expected Gatlin to fallow me. Luckily, I made it to the truck by myself.
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I have an ecus for this update taking so long! I got myself grounded.....again.
All my commenters keep deleting there accounts! That's three out or six! What the hell!