Status: complete

Story for School


Amanda sat in the dark room, thinking to herself about nothing at all. “What cha doing?” Her sister asked her flipping on the light. “Nothing just bored to death. You?” she replied back, standing up and starching. “Nothing. You want to play with legos with me and Nick?” the younger of the two asked. “Naw, Sarah, I don’t wanna play with legos.” Amanda responded leaving the room.

Sarah and Amanda walked out to the yard and started swinging. “I’ma gonna go higher then you, Squeaky,” Amanda told her sister, getting higher on the yellow swing. “Na uh, you’re not. I’m gonna get higher,” Sarah replied swinging higher then her older sister was. The two girls got off of the swings and headed into the house.

They went into their room and dropped down onto their beds. “Still bored,” The older girl said plugging in her iPod. The two of them started dancing around like crazy as Good Girls Go Bad started playing. Once the song was over, a Hannah Montana song started up. “Sweet!” Sarah said starting to sing along with the pop star. “Not in this life time,” Amanda replied flipping past the song and continuing on till she found a Hollywood Undead song.

“Blah, they stick,” Sarah said as Charlie Scene started singing. “Naw uh. Charlie rocks!” the older girl said singing word for word with Charlie. “They’re horrible. He can’t sing at all,” Sarah replied going over to change the song. “Touch it and lose a limb,” Amanda threatened glaring at her sister. “They’re awesome and Charlie can sing,” She added putting her hand in front of the small music player. “No, he can’t,” Sarah said trying to move her sister’s hand. “Not in this life time,” Amanda repeated as the song ended and a new HU song started up. “Can’t you change it to Paramore or something that isn’t terrible?” Sarah pleaded with her sister. “No, I like this song,” Amanda replied moving her eyebrows up and down and singing along.

“You so have a crush on them.” Sarah said sitting on Amanda’s bed and playing with her blue Red Skins monkey. “Put Mr. Blue Red Skins Monkey down,” Amanda said laying down on her bed and looking at her phone. It was only 2:27pm, two and half more hours till work. “I don’t have a crush on all of them,” Amanda told her sister, taking the monkey from her and started making him dance. “You like Funny Man,” Sarah said getting up and changing the song. “nope,” Amanda replied as a Kelly Clarkson song started up. “Da Kurlzz,” Sarah guessed again. “Still wrong,” Her sister replied switching the song again. “Jdog?” Sarah guessed yet again. “I’m not telling,” Amanda replied, finding a song she wanted to listen to. “Deuce?” Sarah asked. “I’m not saying,” The older girl repeated and starting singing along with Paramore. “Johnny or Charlie?” Sarah tried again. “I told you, I’m not saying,” Amanda replied, before shutting her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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Hope You All liked it.