Status: One-Shot

You Won't Be Forgotten

Memories Of Us

The smell of rain lingered in the air as everyone gathered around the deep hole. Not many were there, just the ones Jimmy held close to him. Nothing but black clothing covered their bodies and silent tears ran down their faces. Among the bodies was Haley, a single girl that managed to change Jimmy's life after he met her.

Brian wrapped his arm around his close friend and hugged her tightly. But she refused to shed anymore tears, knowing Jimmy didn't want her to be sad.

"It's okay, Haley," Brian whispered in her ear as the coffin slowly made its way towards to the hole. She nodded her head and held onto him with all her might.

"He's watching over you now,"

"I know," She whispered just as softly.

"I can't believe we got backstage passes!" Haley exclaimed as she and her friend walked arm and arm through the hall. They just finished watching an Avenged Sevenfold concert and were allowed to go back to the band's dressing room and hang out with them.

"I know! This is amazing!" her friend yelled. Haley shushed her with a small laugh and knocked on the door. Synyster Gates opened it with a smile.

"You two must be Haley and Kara," he said, his voice making the two fan girls go weak in their knees. All they could do was nod to tell him he was right. He chuckled and opened the door wider for them.

"Come on in. We were just sitting down to unwind. Do you guys want a water or something?" Haley shook her head, but Kara ended up going with Syn to get a handful of water bottles for the guys.

Haley walked into the room and saw all the band members, one in specific caught her eye. James Owen Sullivan, commonly known as Jimmy or The Rev. She sat down on the red couch and introduced herself to everyone. They were all nice and seemed to enjoy her company.

She spent the rest time talking to Jimmy and in the end, he even asked her for her number. That was the first time they met...

"What are you thinking about?" Brian asked. The coffin was slowly descending into the darkness of the hole.

"About when I first met him," she said. Brian rubbed her arms soothingly. The first drops of rain began to fall upon the people surrounding the soon to be grave. The scene brought up another memory of Haley's.

"Jimmy! Stop!" she screamed and laughed at the same time. Jimmy was chasing her around the new house that they shared together trying to tickle her.

Haley jumped onto the bed and held a pillow out in front of her like a shield.

"Don't come any closer or else I'll throw this at you," she warned. Jimmy smirked at his long time girlfriend before pouncing on her causing them to lay down on the bed. The pillow was squished in between them.

"Jimmy, you fatso! I can't breathe," Haley joked. A crack of thunder boomed outside and lightening followed shortly after.

"Looks like it's going to rain," Jimmy commented. While Haley was looking out the window, he managed to tear the pillow away from her and crush his lips against hers. She was caught off guard and let out a squeak like sound. Jimmy smiled against her lips and kissed her more gently.

The rain started to pour outside their bedroom window, but neither of them seemed to care. It was like the world only surrounded the two of them and nothing else mattered. Haley only felt the touch of his lips, the caress of his hands, the heat of his body...

She could never ask for anything better than him.

"How can I live without him?" she asked out loud.

"You're not alone, Haley. We're all here for you, me, Matt, Johnny, and Zacky," Bri told her. It just felt so wrong to her that he's not here anymore. It's like she's in shock and it still has to sink in that he's really gone and not coming back.

They've had their fights before, but they always made up and never stayed mad at each other for long.

"Get out!" Haley screamed throwing anything she could get her hands on. Jimmy held his hands up in defense and tried to dodge the random objects that were coming straight for him.

"Baby, just listen to me!"

"I don't want to hear your fucking excuse!" she literally cried, the tears welling in her eyes. Jimmy's heart broke when he saw her like this, but he couldn't even remember what had happened the night before.

"You kissed that slut after the concert while I was waiting here for you with dinner ready!" she yelled at him.

"Haley! Please! I don't even remember that. I would never do that to you. Clearly I was fucked up and not in the right state of mind! I fucking love you too much to do that!" he yelled back. Haley threw one more plate at him and stomped into their bedroom slamming the door behind her.

In exactly 5 minutes, she heard the door open and the weight on the bed shift. She was laying down on her side, facing away from Jimmy.

"Haley, please look at me," he said softly. She shook her head stubbornly. Jimmy's long fingers gently took her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.

"Please listen to me. I don't remember and obviously I don't like that girl because here I am trying to win back your heart. Haley, you're better than all those fan girls put together, like my guardian angel. I would never give you up voluntarily," he whispered.

When she didn't say anything back, he slowly leaned forward, giving her time to back away if she wanted to, but she didn't. His lips pushed against he soft ones in a loving kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck, but she did push him back a little.

"You have to promise me that you'll watch how much you drink after concerts," she told him.

"I'll become sober for you," he grinned and kissed her again. This time a small smile graced her own lips as well.

Everyone else had gone back inside because the rain was heavy and Jimmy was now forever buried six feet under. Haley didn't care of her makeup was running, or if her clothes were soaked. She was going to spend every last moment she could with the love of her life.

She was all alone, standing in front of his freshly carved tombstone, under a heavy rain fall.

"Hey Jimmy... There's so much I want to say to you. I love you, that was obvious. I'm sad... but I guess that's pretty obvious too, huh?" she asked wiping her eyes, but the rain only made her face wet again.

She gently played with the engagement ring on her finger.

"You're suck a jerk, you know. Leaving me before I got a chance to say "I do"... Well in case you were wondering, I would have said "I do" anyway." She slowly sat down next to his grave and rested her head against the cool marble stone.

"Guess what else? You're going to be a father... I was going to tell you as soon as I got home from the hospital, but that's when I...found you. You would have made a great father and I'm sure our kid will be obsessed with the drums just as much as you were..."

"The truth, Jimmy, is that I'm scared," she sobbed into her hands, "I'm scared of raising our child alone. What if he or she wants to know what you were like or where you are now? I'm scared that I might break down in front of them. I'm barely holding myself together now as it is!"

Haley took a few deep breaths and calmed herself back down again, trying to will away the large lump in her throat.

"I've been thinking about it lately... And I bet you look beautiful with wings," she whispered.

The rain let up to a small drizzle and the sun peeked through the clouds. Haley smiled at the sight, it's good luck if it rains while the sun is shining. She closed her eyes and raised her face to the clouds, letting the rain pelt against her face.

"Yeah, I love you too, Jimmy,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Leave a comment for Jimmy! R.I.P. This made me cry when I wrote this. I've been wanting to write a oneshot for him for a long time, but I put it off until now because I'm still extremely sad about it all... ):

Thank you to Hannerbananer for letting me use her quote, "I bet you look beautiful with wings." Look her up and check out her story about Jimmy too. It's good(: