Too Much Of You Is Never Enough.


" play guitar right?" I asked, attempting to clear the silence.

Alex nodded.

"How long have you been playing?"

"For...actually quite a while." He paused. "I got really interested in music when I started seventh grade, around the time when I met Jack."

"Wow. And you guys write your own songs?"

"Yep." The looks on Alex's face brightened up a lot. "We all put something into the songs whenever we write."

"That's cool. I've actually always wanted to play guitar." I mused.

"Really? Well...If-if you wanted to I could try and teach you sometime?"

I smiled. "I think that would be pretty amazing."

He grinned.

I stood up, and went to the edge of the bridge that was overlooking the drop-down of the miniture waterfall.

Silently he followed me.

The sun was just beginning it's decent.

"The sun, It' beautiful." I said, gazing off.

I felt him looking at me intently.

Why is he looking at me like that...?

Well duhhh he likes you!

No he doesn't



"So what is it like to play in front of people?" I asked, trying to drown out my thoughts. "Do you ever get nervous?"

"It's crazy, to play in front of people. For me it's as though when I play, It's like I get this huge adrenniline rush, and It's like I can let myself go. Escape from everything and just have fun.

"It feels like nothing in the world can go wrong, because I'm doing something I love."He thought for a second and continued.

"And then there are times that I think that people might not like the songs we're singing, that they'll think we're lame, or just plain stupid. But once I get up there, it's like all that dissappears.

"We hope to get signed someday...I just think that it would be a crazy feeling to have people singing our songs and shouting our names, because they love what we do." He finished.

"I think that there is a huge chance of that." I told Alex.

"Really?" He asked me, happily.

"Mhm." I nodded. "All of you guys seem very passionate about the music you make."

He chuckled. "You haven't even heard us play."

"I don't have to. With the way you guys talk about it, it shows, just how much you love doing what you do....Besides I heard you the time when I first got here."

"Even so...You have to come to one of our shows. They're nothing too big, like for parties that other kids from school have, and stuff like that."

"Alrighty, just let me know whwen and I'll be there." I smiled.

I honestly don't remember a time when I've smiled with anyone, as much as I have with Alex. I thought to myself.

"So what are you passoinate about?" He snikered at the word, though he was completely serious.

I like to draw...I have been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil."

"What kinds of things do you like to draw?" I was surprised, he actually sounded genuinely interested.

"Different things...just about anything. People, plants, animals, you name it. I especially love doodling anything that comes to mind. I love getting lost, and letting myself get carried away."

Alex smiled at me. "Could you show me sometime?"

"Maybe. You should see I have a whole notebook filled with doodles in all the margines on every page...oh and both the covers." I stated proudly.

"Now that I'd like to see."He laughed.

I smiled inwardly to myself.

Neither can I remember a time when I have talked this much either and felt content...Maybe this move wan't such a bad idea after all.