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Daddy's Little Girl

Honey is for Bee's Silly Bear

I’ve always thought I was a very fortunate child. I always got what I wanted, even without asking, I was treated like a princess even when I didn’t deserve it, I was always taken care of. I didn’t get to see my papa everyday, but that was okay. I knew my papa had more important things to do then be with me every second of every day. Not that anyone ever told me that but I knew my papa was an important person who was very busy and couldn’t always play with me. My momma wasn’t around either.

My papa always told me stories about her. He said she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was a world class model and actress. He said he had first laid eyes on her when she was doing a photo shoot in his home town in Italy. He said that even though he didn’t even know her name, he knew he was going to marry her. This caused a lot of problems when they started to date because she wasn’t Italian.

She was French American and it was unheard of to date, let alone marry, anyone who wasn’t of Italian decent. This didn’t stop my Papa and he eventually move the family business to America and married my Momma. She had me a few years later and then went on a modeling tour around the world. She was in an airplane accident and died during the tour.

I don’t remember much of my Momma but my Papa says no woman can ever replace her and he would never look for one to try. I didn’t have a Momma and my Papa wasn’t always there but I knew I was loved and that was what made my childhood so great.

Papa had meetings today and I wasn’t to disturb him unless it was an emergency. That was okay because I had Mattie, my favorite body guard, to play today. Mattie looked real scary but he was really nice and he told me stories too.

“Mattie can you tell me a story?” He looked up from the my little ponies we were playing with and nodded his head.

“Okay what story do you want to hear Bambi?” I giggled. Yes everyone called me Bambi, even if they didn’t speak Italian. Bambi meant child in Italian so I didn’t mind to much that they called me it.
“I want to hear the one about the princess who was stuck in the tower!”
“You mean Rapunzel?”
“No silly! Princess Val!”
“Oh you mean the princess that was stuck in the castle?”

“Yeah!” He nodded and smiled. He scooped me up and sat me on my bad. I grabbed my hot pink skelkitty and clutched it to my chest as he sat on the floor in front of me and began his story.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Valery. She lived in a giant castle with her parents and twin sister. But she was miserable because he parents wanted her to marry a stuffy old prince. But Val had fallen in love with Matt the stable boy. She couldn’t marry the stuffy prince and had plans to run away with Matt. On the night of their escape-” Mattie was interrupted by a knock at the door. Another body guard came in, but I didn’t know this one so he must have been my Papa’s.

“Excuse me, the boss would like to see his daughter in his office.” With that he left, closing the door. He must have been new because he didn’t know my name or Mattie’s and- wait, Papa wanted to see me!?

“Mattie did you hear that! Papa wants to see me!” I was so excited! Papa was suppose to be busy to day and he wanted to see me! Mattie laughed and nodded his head.

“Yes your dad wants to see you. Let’s put on your shoes so you can go see him okay?” I nodded and waited for him to get my shoes. I would have gotten them but my bed was to high up for me to get down without hurting myself. Mattie put my shoes on and then lifted me up and started to walk to my Papa’s office.

“Mattie wait! I dropped fluffy!” I had dropped my skelkitty while Mattie was putting my shoes on. He laughed again.

“You know your suppose to be into girly things not Skelanimals, Gothic my little ponies and action figures. I’ve corrupted you.” He laughed again and handed me fluffy and started walking again. We had finally gotten to Papa’s office and Mattie knocked on the door. He said it was the polite thing to do and you shouldn’t enter a room except yours without knocking.

“Come in.” Mattie opened the door to my Papa’s office and set me down. I ran to my Papa behind his desk and set fluffy down on it before climbing into his lap and wrapping my little arms around his neck.

“Papa!” he laughed and hugged me back before looking at Fluffy.
“Really Matt? What are you teaching my daughter?” He laughed it off and set me in his lap with my kitty.
“Angel I’d like you to meet an associate of mine.” I looked at him confused.
“Papa what’s an associate?” I’m only six I don’t have such a good vocabulary.

“Well princess an associate is a business partner.” I nodded my head and brought my attention to the other man in the room. I climbed out of my Papa's lap with my kitty and walked up to the man. He suddenly grabbed my wrist hard and I screamed. Mattie immediately got me from the man and cradled me to his chest as I cried, stepping quickly as far away from him as I could. I gripped my kitty for dear life as Mattie held me tight as he could. Once everyone heard my scream the other body guards had the man on the ground, guns pointing to his head from all directions. My Papa had already made his way to the man and looked at him in disgust. He spat at the man and sneered.

“I knew it. Who are you working for!?” Mattie turned my head away and covered my ears as Papa yelled but I could still faintly hear the yelling. I whimpered as I heard a punch and a kick. Mattie quickly took me out of the room and back into mine, sitting with me on my bed.

“Mattie why did that man try to grab me?” I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I wasn’t really touched by a stranger, ever. My body guards would pick my up and hold my hand and papa would do the same and hug me, but no stranger had ever tried to touch me. It scared me. I rubbed my red wrist and Mattie sighed.

“Your Papa is a very powerful man Bambi, and many people don’t like that. They think you’re a way to get to him. Why anyone would want to kidnap a sweet little girl like you I don’t know. Why don’t you take a nap before dinner? I’ll stay right here till you wake up okay?” I nodded. Mattie took off my shoes and sweater. “Do you want to put on your PJ’s by yourself?” I nodded and he turned his back as I changed. When I was done he turned and tucked me in and gave me fluffy.

“Will you sing me to sleep Mattie?” He nodded and started my special lullaby with he guitar I kept in here just for him.

Honey is for bee’s silly bear
Besides there’s jelly beans everywhere
It’s not what you think in the land of dreams
Don’t worry your head just go to sleep
It doesn’t matter how you feel
Life is just a Farris wheel
It’s always up and down don’t make a sound

When you wake up the world will come around
When you wake up the world will come around

It’s just the sweet weather and the peacock feathers
In the morning it will all be better
It’s not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don’t worry your head just go to sleep

When you wake up the world will come around
When you wake up the world will come around

Honey is for bee’s silly bear
Besides there’s jelly beans everywhere
It’s not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don’t worry your head just go to sleep