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Daddy's Little Girl

Everyone Screams for Ice Cream

The next day Papa said he couldn’t be with me today because he had something important to attend to. This upset me more so than usual because I had a recital today. I asked Mattie to enroll me in Ballet two years ago and I had a solo in the recital today. Papa must have forgotten because he didn’t wish me luck.

“Are you ready to go Bambi?” Mattie asked from the door way.

“I can’t find my locket.” It was my lucky locket that my Papa had given Momma for their anniversary. It had a picture of both of them kissing on one side and on the other it was a love note in Italian. I didn’t understand it but that was okay.

“It’s right here silly.” Mattie picked it up from my bed and fastened it around my neck. He then picked me and my dancing bag up and walked down the stairs to the waiting car.

“Hi Jimmy!” I waved to the driver Jimmy. He was really a body guard but papa didn’t want to take any chances with me. Mattie closed the door and looked at Jimmy expectantly.
“So are you going to go?” Jimmy looked confused for a second.

“Aren’t we waiting for the boss? The is her biggest recital and she even has a solo.” I looked down and played with them hem of my dress. I heard a smacking noise and knew Mattie had hit Jimmy upside the head. He muttered something along the lines of he forgot and she knows he won’t be there. Jimmy looked down sheepishly.

“Oh. Well its okay kid. Matt and I will be there.” I tried smiling but I knew it wasn’t a happy smile. I may have fooled Jimmy but Mattie could always tell. I wanted Papa to be there to see me perform. He had never been to one of my recitals before. In fact everyone there thought Mattie was my Papa. I understood though, papa had important things to attend to. My recital just wasn’t one of them.

“You know he wanted to be here.” Mattie said softly beside me. I looked out the car window with a blank expression on my face.

“No he didn’t. It’s alright Mattie you don’t have to lie. You and I both knew he forgot the minute I came down for breakfast and they’re was another note on his plate instead of food. I’m use to it now. I know Papa has important business to attend to today, I’m just not one of them” I voiced my thoughts and kept looking out the window. It was a cloudy day and looked like it was going to rain soon. Mattie muttered what sounded like, you shouldn’t have to be used to it, and, You shouldn’t have to go through this at six, before Jimmy said we had arrived. Show time.

*After the show*

“You were great Bambi.” Mattie was changing my shoes for me after I had changed. I wanted to wear my ballet flats but Mattie said I might mess them up on accident. That’s okay though because I loved my Mary Jane’s.

“Mattie can we go for ice cream?” I asked while grabbing my kitty. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
“Sure thing Bambi. We can walk if you want, it’s just around the corner.” He suggested I nodded my head and started skipping down the street. Mattie nodded to Jimmy letting him know we would walk then get a cab later.

“Hurry Mattie or they’ll run out of ice ream!” I yelled and ran ahead into the ice cream parlor. I ran up to the case that held the ice cream but I was to short to see anything. Mattie came up from behind me and lifted me up so I could see.

“Which one do you want princess?” I giggled and held my kitty closer.
“My favorite of course! Rainbow Herbert!” Mattie and the lady at the counter laughed and Mattie set me down. The lady leaned over the counter and smiled at me.
“I think you mean Rainbow sherbet Sweetheart” I nodded my head.
“That’s what I said! Isn’t it Mattie?” The lady looked surprised for a minute.
“Wait Mattie? Is that you Matt? Matt Sanders?” Mattie was confused for a bit before he looked shocked.

“Val? Valery Dibenniditto? Man I haven’t seen you in years!” The lady, Val, jumped over the counter and hugged Mattie. I didn’t get it How did this lady know Mattie and why was she hugging him? I had known Mattie all my life and I had never seen her. I was only aloud to hug Mattie. I wasn’t being spoiled or a brat, Mattie had said it himself.

“Oh my god! It’s so good to see you Matt. We have to catch up,” She giggled and grabbed his hand as he blushed, “We can use the back room.” She giggled again and Mattie started dragging her back there without giving me a second glance. My eyes started to water as they walked away quickly. Mattie had forgotten about me. He left me here by myself and no one else. I started to cry as I clutched my kitty. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and hug me while shushing me.

“Shh, it’s going to be okay. Don’t cry sweetie.” I sniffled as I looked up at her. “There you go. What’s your name?” She smiled down at me and I noticed she looked a lot like the other lady, Val, but she had a different hair color.
“M-Marietta Haner, but everyone calls me Bambi.” She smiled and nodded again.
“That’s a beautiful name Marietta. So why are you crying?”
“Because Mattie left me all by myself!” I started crying again and she rubbed my back and guided me over to a table and sat down with me.
“How about I call you parents ok?” She took out her cell phone and asked for my Papa’s number.

“Hello this is Michelle Dibenneditto and I’m calling because I have your daughter, Marietta Haner, with me. She’s apparently been left alone and is very distraught. If you could please pick her up soon that would be great. Alright, goodbye.” She turned to look at me and closed her phone.

“You daddy’s coming to get you. Until then, why don’t we get to know each other?” I nodded my head and waited for her to ask a question.
“So how old are you?”
“I’m six and my birthday is on Valentine’s day.”
“Wow you’re a love baby. Ok, so why do they call you Bambi? Is it your favorite movie?” I shook my head.

“No. Papa and I are Italian and Bambi means child in Italian. He’s always called me it and soon everyone else did too. My favorite movies are Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissor hands and The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I was still upset so I was giving short answers. The women who worked with my dad (Or so they said)would tell me I was being difficult every time I was like this. Someone usually overheard and would tell Papa. I didn’t see those women after that, not that I was complaining. Michelle smiled anyway and asked me more questions until we heard the door open.

“Papa!” I ran straight into his arms as he scooped me up.
“Angel I am so sorry you were left alone. Where’s Matthew? Did something happen to him” I nodded my head and pouted.

“It was awful Papa! This Evil witch cast a spell on Mattie and made him come with her to a back room. He said he knew her but he didn’t even member I was there! She took Mattie away and he didn’t even realize I wasn’t with him! And I never got my ice cream Papa!” when I was done explaining Michelle walked over and handed me Fluffy (the skelkitty).

“I’m Michelle, we spoke on the phone”
“Ah yes Ms. Dibenniditto. Thank you for keeping my daughter safe. I would like to repay your kindness, name your price.”

“Oh, no sir. It’s alright. I enjoyed watching her and talking with her. She’s very sweet and polite. I couldn’t take any payment.” She smiled and ruffled my hair. I gasped and got an idea.
“Papa what if she becomes my new playmate! I don’t want to see Mattie for awhile, if he ever members me. Can Michelle do it? Please!?” Michelle laughed awkwardly.

“No, I wouldn’t want to insult her mother”

“Her mother passed away years ago. She needs a woman in her life, and you ms. I think, are that woman. We would very much appreciate it if you would become her new ‘mother’ in a sense. I am a business man and do not have time to be with my Angel everyday. She usually spends it with her body guards but we see how this one worked out. If you could do it, we would provide you with pay, room and board. What do you say?”

“Please Michelle!?” I begged. She laughed and nodded.
“Alright I’ll do it.”
“Graze Michelle!”

“Would it be possible for you to come with us now? We will send for your stuff and it should all arrive in your new room by morning.” Papa suggested.
“That sounds great.” we all walked out of the parlor into the town car waiting for us. But no one heard the moans and groans nor the sounds of pleasure coming from the back room.