Status: New Story. Updates come faster with comments.

Daddy's Little Girl

Gothic Dolls, Hello Batty, and Bed Time

Michelle and I were on the floor of my room playing with my gothic dolls.
“So do all of your body guards play with you?” I shook my head ad continued brushing my dolls hair.
“No. They’re suppose to but I just like Mattie to play with me. I have a few others that play with me but they‘re usually in charge of keeping me safe.” Michelle nodded and looked down at the dolls.

“You have very interesting taste in toys. I thought a sweet little girl like you would be really girly.”
“Mattie would show me things and I liked them and looked for more stuff like them.”
“Your really upset with him huh?” I nodded but smiled non the less.
“It’s okay though. You’re here now and Papa says your going to be my new Momma!” I looked at my Hello Batty alarm clock and saw it was bed time.

“I have to go to bed now. I’ll call Papa to see if you can stay in here with me.” I had a very big bed so I knew we’d fit. Michelle nodded and I walked up to the phone that was on my nightstand. I pressed the red button and waited.
“Yes princess?”
“Papa can Michelle stay in here with me tonight?”
“Of course princess. Be a good girl. Good night Angel, I love you.”
“Love you too Papa, goodnight.” I hung up the phone and walked back to Michelle, looking at her expectantly.

“um, yes Marietta?”
“Call me Bambi. But your suppose to get me my PJ’s from the dresser. I can’t reach it.” Michelle nodded and walked over to the dresser and gave me the PJ’s.

“Can you put them on by your self or do you need help, Bambi?” I took them from here hands.
“I can do it.” Once I had changed I lifted my arms toward Michelle. “The bed is to high. You have to help me up.” She nodded and set me on the bed. “I have a giant tee shirt of Mattie’s here if you want to use that. It should still be big on you. You can change in the bathroom.” I pointed to a door across the room.

She nodded and went to go change. I climbed in bed and grabbed fluffy. Mattie wasn’t here to tuck me in. Mattie wasn’t here to make sure there was no monsters in my closest. Mattie wasn’t here to lock my window. Mattie wasn’t here because he forgot about me. How could Mattie just forget about me like that? For some witch too!’ I started crying and clutched Fluffy closer. I felt someone climb into bed and under the covers with me I turned over to see Michelle laying down with me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

“Why are you crying Bambi?”
“Mattie forgot about me so that means he doesn’t want me anymore! He just left because that lady was someone he knew or something. Mattie is suppose to take care of me!” Michelle cradled me in her arms and tried soothing me.
“Mattie was like your mother wasn’t he?” I started to cry harder and Michelle was quiet. “Well it’s settled then. I’ll be your mother.” I looked up at her shocked, but she wasn’t kidding.

“You’d really do that for me Michelle?” She nodded again and kissed my forehead.
“And I promise to be the best mother I can be, ok?” I nodded and rested my head on her chest, no longer crying.
“Can I call you Mamma? If you really are going to be my mother I can’t just call you Michelle.” Michelle, I mean Mamma, nodded and smiled.
“You can call me anything you like. Now go to sleep.” I nodded and closed my eyes.
“I love you Mamma”

*Later that night*
*Michelle’s P.O.V.*

I slid out of Marietta’s bed as she rolled out of my arms. I tucked her in and gave her the cat she adores so much. She quickly snuggled up to it. The door suddenly opened a crack and I saw her father’s head peek in. He saw I was up and motioned me to come out.

“Yes sir?” He shut the door and directed me down the hall.
“Please call me Brian . I’ve been meaning to talk to you Ms. Dibenneditto.”
“Call me Michelle.” He nodded and continued.

“I hope I didn’t pressure you into doing this but I feel I should warn you. You could be in danger if you take on this job. I am in a very. . .Dangerous line of work. Apparently having only body guards with my daughter doesn’t protect her and if your with her there’s no telling what kind of trouble you could get into.”

“Oh I know. But you should have warned me before I looked into your daughters beautiful eyes. I’m now wrapped around her little finger. I’m not worried about the dangers. Marietta needs a mother and I want to be there for her. I know what you do and it doesn’t bother me as much as it should.” He looked surprised for a minute, before regaining his composure.

"Well there is also another matter I must discuss with you. Her favorite body guard, the one who abandoned her, Matt, when he comes back, she's not going to want to see him. She's angry with him as am I, but if at any point she wishes to have him back and you, I will allow it. My sole mission is to make my daughter happy and if that means that I have to allow him to watch over her I will do it. I don't want a repeat of what has happened however, that is why you are being hired as her mother. No matter what happens, you will be there. Do you understand?" I nodded my head.

"Good. you may go back to sleep, we'll have a room for you if you wish, by tomorrow."
"Uh, actually sir I was wondering, if it's alright with Marietta, if I could just have a bed in her room or something?" I really did not want to leave that kid for a second. I was that hooked on her. He thought about it for a moment but nodded his head again.

"You may ask her and if she agrees then it's fine with me. Goodnight, Michelle." as he walked away I couldn't help but notice how fine an ass he had. Then again he is my boss, not to mention a mafia crime lord. Oh well, I can dream can't I.

Matt’s P.O.V.

“Oh Matt!” Val screamed as we both finished and I pulled out. We got dressed and I held her for as long as I could.
“I missed you so much Val.” I nuzzled my face in her hair and she sighed.
“I missed you too. Where have you been?”

“Well I’ve been working as the body guard to-” oh shit. I jumped up as fast as I could and ran to the door.
“Matt! What is it!? What’s wrong.”
“Where is she!?”
“Where is who?”
“The little girl I had with me, Marietta! Where is she!?”

“I-I don’t know I forgot she was with you. . .” She trailed off as I ran out the door calling out her name. She was no where to be found and it was already 11:00.
“Matt I’m sure Michelle just took her home or something.”
“You don’t understand! If Michelle has her then it’s bad for Michelle to be seen with her. Especially at night!” He started pacing around and ordered Val to call Michelle.

“Okay thanks Mich. See Matt, Michelle said she took her back home after she called her father. Wait, I thought that was your daughter?”
“What? No. I’m her body guard and basically take care of her. It’s my job. Anyway I have to go, I’ll call you later or something Val.” I ran out leaving Val confused.

*Later that night*

I had finally gotten to the mansion and inside. I ran up to Marietta’s bedroom, only to see the guards posted outside. I tried to get it but they stepped in front of me.

“We have orders not to let you see Ms. Haner. You are to report to Mr. Haner for now.” I nodded, confused, and made my way back to the boss’ office.

“Come in.” I opened the door and quietly entered. “You. You’ve got a lot of nerve Sanders. You leave my baby girl for some whore, forget about her, leave her when she could have been kidnapped or killed by some other gang. I have many enemies in this town Sanders.” I wanted to defend Val but I knew better than to speak. I remained quiet and clenched my fist.

“My daughter has requested she not see you as of now. If she decides later that she wants you back then you may return, but for now you will be training the new security guards, and the new members. I am being generous and the only reason I‘m not having you killed is your past relationship with my daughter.” I opened my mouth to speak against him, but received a stern look and hung my head.

“But. . .who will watch her now. You can’t just leave her by herself.”
“A fact I but not you, am well aware of. The woman who found her and brought her in will now be her caretaker. Michelle Dibenneditto. You are to have no contact with her nor my daughter unless they say so. I better not even see you on that floor. Am I clear?” I nodded and he dismissed me. I walked back to Marietta’s room even though I wasn’t suppose to be there. There were no guards which meant that they were switching. I peeked in quick and saw something heart breaking. Marietta was curled up with Michelle and they both looked peaceful.
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Marietta's outfit


Marietta's ballet costume