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Daddy's Little Girl

Bandit and Bambi

Marietta’s P.O.V.

My alarm clock’s loud ringing woke Michelle and I up. It was one of those old fashioned bell ones but I loved it because it was Hello Batty. Michelle groaned and slowly got up. She looked at my clock in disbelief.

“What six year old get’s up at 6:00 in the morning?” I giggled.
“A six year old who has to go to school silly. Now come on we gotta get ready.” Momma nodded and got out of the bed. I looked up at her and she looked confused.
“What’s wrong Bambi? Why don’t you get out of bed?”
“You have to help me down. The bed it to tall and I might hurt myself.” Momma nodded and helped me down. I felt like I was training her to be my momma. Though in a way I was.

“You have to go to school with me Momma.”
“Is that aloud at your school?”
“Oh yeah. Because I’m a first grader we have parent helpers. Now that Mattie’s not here, It’s gonna be you. Oh and don’t worry Papa already cleared it with the school. Mattie was my uncle and your gonna be a family friend.” Michelle nodded and picked out some of her clothes that arrived earlier.

“So what do you want to wear?”
“This.” I pointed to an outfit hanging by my door. Michelle nodded and got it down for me. I started to change and she took a quick shower. When she came out she was dressed and ready.

“Can you help me with my hair Momma?” Michelle nodded and brushed my hair out. She then put it in two low pig tails. We finished getting ready and I led her down to the dinning room. It was a big long table with papa’s seat at the head. In place of his food was a note so I ran to read it.

Dear Bambi,
I’m sorry I could not be there this morning. Have a wonderful day at school with Michelle. We’re going to dinner tonight just the four of us. See you then,
Love Papa

“What does he mean the four of us?” Momma asked.
“You, Papa, Jimmy, and I. Jimmy comes because he’s my body guard and my driver. Plus he’s a good friend of Papa’s. They grew up together along with. . . Mattie.” I trailed off and looked down. Momma cleared her throat and took me over to my chair.
“How about we eat, okay?” I nodded.

*Later Matt’s P.O.V.*

I watched as the woman and Bambi got into the car and drove off. Bambi. . . How could I have left her like that? I mean sure I hadn’t seen Val in years but to leave Bambi? She could have been killed. It was 9 o’clock at night and the gang members were out. Anyone of them could have come in their to kidnap her. They could have raped her. They could have killed her. They could sell her as a slave in another country for all I know.

She’s just an innocent little girl, and I left her for a quick fuck. Brian said the only reason I’m not dead is because of Bambi past relationship with me. What about our friendship? We grew up together. That’s why I was her body guard. Because he trusted me. But now. . . I should be dead for what I did. Not only that but I brought Val into this. If Brain gets wind of who she is then he might kill her. He’d definitely have no remorse. He didn’t know Val.

She was just a family friend and they had never met. I had never spoken of her to him or anyone really. Would he seek her out? I doubt it. I don’t think he’d really waste his time. Did anyone see Bambi that night? From what Brian told me the woman had been with her the whole time, but whose to say someone didn’t see. And if they had, did they see her go home with Brian and Bambi? Without me there? Then they’d know something was up. That someone else was with Bambi. Someone they could take down. I’ll need some information on what other gangs know about Bambi, but how do I get it?

Michelle’s P.O.V.

So now I’m in a first grade class room just watching her. She’s very different from the other children. They all socialize and she just sites by herself. Wait there is someone going over to her. Looks to be a little boy. She smiles at him and gives him a hug. He smiles back and flips his jet black hair out of his hazel eyes. He was a beautiful child that’s for sure.

“Is she yours then?” I turned and they’re was a grown up version of the boy behind me.
“Marietta. She’s yours isn’t she? The man who came in here before was her uncle.”
“Oh no! I’m just a family friend. Her uncle is away on business for awhile.”
“I see. Well anyway I’m Gerard, Gerard Way.”

“Nice to meet you. Michelle Dibennedetto.” We shook hands and looked back at our children.
“So what’s his name?” I asked.
“Bandit Lee Way.”
“The name had significant meaning for his mother and I.”
“Oh I see. Well the name suits him well. So are they friends?” I gestured to the two children.
“A little more than that actually. There in love.”
“I-In love!?” No that couldn’t be. She was six!
“Yes. But they’re not together or dating. He asked her to be his girl friend but she told him he’d have to take it up with her Papa. And if he did that she said, she’d never get to see him again.” Gerard said this with a smile as if remembering something.

“Which I’m sure is true. She is after all Marietta Haner. I don’t think Brian would be very happy about this. Even if my son and I are half Italian.”
“Who knows. Her mother was French after all.”
We laughed as we looked at the two children.
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Yes i went there. But Bandit had just been born when i wrote this so who could really blame me? I know she's a girl but I needed a love interest and I preferred Bandit over Bronx.

Marietta's school outfit