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Daddy's Little Girl

How Could this Happen Tonight

Bambi’s Point of View

I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t understand why everyone was screaming. My ears hurting from the loud popping noise, and the women screeching wasn’t helping. I was scared because it was so dark. I could feel everyone rushing around me, but I couldn’t move. After awhile the light’s were back on and everyone was still running around. Bandit was holding me, Michelle looked as scared as I felt and Daddy was shouting at someone, something. Jimmy wasn’t moving. He had something running down his arm, covering his tattoo’s. Blood. I screamed as I saw it drip down onto the table.

Michelle’s Point of View

After the light’s came on we saw the Jimmy had been shot. Brain screamed for me to get Bambi and Bandit out of there. Gerard was running around the room, making sure no one else had been hurt. A few men, I assumed Brain’s or maybe Gerard’s, tended to Jimmy, trying to stop the blood. Bambi’s blood curdling scream snapped me out of my shock. I looked to see Bandit holding her trying to distract her from the blood. I ran over and scooped both of them into my arms. More shots went off as I shielded the children with my body, and I felt another cover mine.

Brain’s Point of View

How could this have happened tonight? I made sure that I had this place guarded. No one outside of our men could have know we were meeting tonight. Something’s not right. Why would they shoot Jimmy? Maybe they were aiming for me? Maybe they wanted to send a message? More shots. No. No message. Their out for blood. Michelle covered the cowering children with her body as the shots fired. I jumped over the table and covered her with my own body as close to the ground as possible.

They had Jimmy behind a table as they tried to tend to his wound. I wasn’t worried, I knew a simple arm shot wouldn’t kill him. I was worried about my daughter, Gee’s son, and Michelle. Their was no way she could take them away from danger. They could have other men around the place, waiting for someone to try and get away. No they had to stay here, which meant I needed to protect them. The shot’s suddenly stopped. I looked up to See Gerard holding a gun, pointing it outside. Screeching tires were heard and everyone stopped screaming. They were gone now.

Bambi’s Point of View

I couldn’t stop crying. Bandit told me to calm down, that the bad people were gone now. He was right. The noise had stopped. Michelle had covered me and Bandit, but Daddy had covered her. I knew now what Daddy meant when he said that it was dangerous for me and Bandit to be together. But if Bandit hadn’t been here, would I still be alive? Michelle is in danger now too. If Mattie had never left me, would Michelle still be in danger. Would Mattie have protected me? Would Mattie even still be alive? Would Daddy?

I suddenly missed Mattie a lot. I knew Michelle was in danger, but what if someone came to hurt me and they hurt Michelle too? Michelle couldn’t fight like Mattie could. She wasn’t big like Mattie. Mattie needed to be here so he could protect me and Bandit. But mostly so he could protect Michelle.

Bandit and I were suddenly scooped into Michelle’s arms as Daddy led her out to our car. Gerard, Jimmy, and a few others came as well. Jimmy looked like he was in pain, but I knew he would live. Mattie had told me that if someone ever took me, I just needed to get a hold of their gun. If I shot them in the arm, he said, then they wouldn’t die, and I could get away. Jimmy had been shot in the arm so I knew he would be okay.

Still I took his hand and squeezed lightly, comforting. Jimmy smiled at me gratefully and told me to take my seat with Bandit. Daddy and Gerard went off to discuss the attack when we got home. Michelle took Bandit and I up to my room to get ready for bed. Michelle said she would sleep with us because we were so shaken up.

“Yes Bambi?”
“I love you and I wanted to thank you for protecting us but. . .”
“I think Mattie should be with us too now. If something happens, you can’t fight back like Mattie. He could protect you too.” Michelle smiled.
“That’s a good idea. I’ll tell your dad, but you two need to sleep.”