Status: In Process

Through A Glass Darkly


Some think that they can only believe what's in front of them....others never to believe in what we hear,see or read.
But have we ever stop to think if to believe or not about what we feel... or sense?
The answer is simple : No .
They would just call them insane...crazy or just an over religious person.

Myths...legends...storys...maybe, some, but there's more out there, than some would want to believe in. Humanity has all ways been afraid of what we don't have knowledge of....there's no room for mistake...and no room for misinformation.
Humanity all ways thinks we have to know everything...but they all learn sometime. They way they see the world....the way i used to see the world was through a glass darkly.

Now I know better, and i may never know everything there is to know but at least my glass is quite clear and transparent. All this i owe to one being...
its strange how i all ways felt something...someone....but i never paid attention to those directions...and it wasn't until later that he was...... oh... pardon me im getting ahead of myself as usual. But hold your thoughts tough...i will talk about Him in a short moment.

So Here is my I'm not crazy...and no i wasn't a very religious person
The question is do you have the believe in it? The Courage to know it before your time? Do you want to know the truth? or do you still want to look at the world through a glass darkly?