Status: Completed

Mess of Mine

Give Love A Try

“Do you want to go out tonight?” I read the text message from Josh and got excited. We'd hung out almost everyday this week, mostly at mine, occasionally at Liss', and never at his. Nate still didn't approve of me, and wasn't anymore accepting of the new friendship between Josh and I. Anyway, I thought tonight would be the night, the night he asked me out, the night we got back together, and I couldn't wait.
“You can sleep over as well, and I'll take you to church in the morning.” A second text came through
“I'd love to go out and sleep over. But Nate?” I sent back
“He'll have to deal with it, but I have a feeling he'll be fine. Pick you up in an hour.” After reading his final text, I started rushing frantically around my room, trying to find an outfit. I grabbed out a casual but cute outfit to put on. After closing to door I paused, staring at the photo's blue-tacked on. I'd gotten the photo's out of the drawer, and hung them on the door with the rest. I stared at the one of Josh and I, the one he kept too, and thought to myself, this could be reality again very soon.
Jerking myself out of my own thoughts, I ran to the bathroom, and pushed past Pop, who was about to go in. “Sorry, emergency.” I said as I closed the door. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.
I had just finished my hair and makeup when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it to reveal Josh. “Just let me grab my handbag and jacket, and then we can go.” I told him. Running back to my room, I grabbed my phone, purse and iPod, chucking them in the first bag I could find. I pulled my jacket on over my clothes, and quickly put on my ballet flats. “Ready,” I said as I met Josh at the door.
“You're hilarious.” He told me, as we hopped in the car
“Yeah, well. I try to be.”
“No you don't. It just comes naturally. I love that about you.” He said, flashing one of his brilliant, magical smiles. I just wanted him to ask me out already.
We pulled up in front of the movie theatre, and he picked up two pre-booked tickets to Dear John, a movie I'd wanted to see ever since I heard about it. “I remembered you loved Nicholas Sparks, and Liss said you wanted to see it.” I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded. Josh laughed and put his arm around me, as we walked into the cinema. “See, hilarious,” he said.
The movie finished and we climbed back into his car. When he began to drive towards his home, I got confused. “Are you trying to make me starve?” I asked jokingly.
“No, I've got something planned back at my house,” he replied mysteriously. I just sat back in my chair, wondering what he was up to.
We pulled up and he rushed to help me out of the car. “Josh, what the hell?” I asked
“Just go with it Steph. The girl I remember used to play along with everything.” He told me, as he looped his arm through mine and led me inside.
Nate was waiting, glaring at me, but obviously trying to go along with Josh's plan. He was dressed like a waiter, and looked completely stupid. I wanted to laugh, but held back, didn't want to make things any worse.
We sat down at a table lit by candles; a romantic setting. Nate poured us each a coke, since I didn't drink, and apparently neither did Josh, and placed bread on the table. As he walked away, I began to talk. “Josh, this is so gorgeous and sweet, but why?” I asked
“Because I wanted this night to be the one you remembered. I wanted it to be special.” He said, and I recognised the familiarity in his words. I decided to do what he had said before, and played along.
“Why would this night be any different to all the others I lived through?” I asked him, trying not to smile like an idiot.
“Because it's the night you become my girlfriend,” he said
“Do I have to act blonde tonight?” I asked, and he laughed, shaking his head. “Then yes, of course.” I told him.
He got up from the table quickly, almost tripping over his chair in the process, and pulled me up with him. He pulled me close, and lent down. Our lips met, and we kissed passionately. It felt like our first kiss, and in a way it was; it was our second first kiss.
“Well, that's just great.” I heard someone say in the from behind me. I turned to see Nate, staring at us angrily.
“Nate, please...” I began, but Josh interrupted me.
“Nate, I told you I was asking her tonight. You were okay with it, or at least you pretended you were.” Josh argued
“Yeah Josh. Well I'm done pretending. I can't sit by and watch you give yourself up to her, and watch her leave you again. I won't do it.” Nate stormed out of the room, and Josh followed. I could hear them talking down the hallway, but at least it sounded like they were reasoning with each other, not fighting. Abruptly, everything stopped.
“Guys, what's going on? What are you doing?” I called out to them.
“STEPH!!” I heard Nate yell, and saw him running down the hallway. I looked at him confused, as he tackled me and hugged the life out of me. Josh was standing in the corner laughing so hard he was almost falling over.
“Nate. What?” was all I could manage to say.
“I missed you, and I'm gonna kill Josh for making me do this tonight.” He told me.
“Uh, yeah, I missed you too. But I'm still confused, I thought you hated me.” I said
“Well, Josh thought it would be funny, and would make tonight memorable if I was to act like I was still angry, and you know, forgive you tonight. He managed to convince me last Sunday after church, but made me stay away. I could kill him right now.” Nate explained
“Oh, did he now?” I said, turning to look at Josh. A plan, simple, but a plan none the less was forming in my mind. “Hey Nate,” I said pulling his attention back to me. I quickly kissed him on the cheek, and lent my head on his shoulder, still hugging him tight.
“Oh Steph, come on, is that really fair?” I heard Josh, but focused my attention on Nate.
“I think we could take him,” I whispered in his ear. A smile formed on his face and he nodded. We both turned and charged at Josh. He ran down the hallway to the living room. “Bad choice, Josh!” I yelled as Nate and I caught up, crashing into him and knocking him into the lounge.
Josh's arms snaked around my waist, and he pulled me onto him. “Nate get lost,” He said, not once taking his eyes off me.
“Fine,” Nate replied, sulking out of the room.
“Nate...” I said and he turned to look at me. “Glad to have you back.”
“Same here. Have fun you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do,” he said as he left the room.
Josh lent in to kiss me and I kissed back. He pulled away too quickly, and reached into his pocket. “I have something for you. I bought this before the incident, and was going to give it to you for your birthday.” He pulled out a necklace; a heart pendant with both our initials engraved onto it. “I kept it, well, because I kinda always hoped I'd have the chance to give it to you.” We sat up and I turned around so he could put in on for me.
I felt the cold silver touch my neck, and fingered the pendant as he fastened the clasp. “It's gorgeous, Josh. I love it.” I told him as I turned back around to face him. “Thank you.”
Josh moved to put his arm around me as we sunk back into the lounge. I leaned to rest my head on his chest, and there we sat, for who knows how long. I didn't care, everything was done, forgiven and back to normal. I finally felt truly happy.

In your eyes, when I saw you for the first time
I knew I was gonna love you for a long time
With a love so real, so right
How did it play out like a movie
Now every time its beat can move me
And I can't get your smile off my mind
Cause you might think that I'm a fool
For falling over you
But tell me what can I do to prove to you
That it's not so hard to do
Give love a try, one more time
Cause you know that I'm on your side
Give love a try, one more time

Give Love a Try – Jonas Brothers
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Second last chapter!!!!