Status: Were both really backed up atm, so we're going on Hiatus. See you soon maybe :)

Oh the Wonders of Intoxicated Nights


*You were the ones that stood by my side, whoa And I was the one that fought all of your fights (8)

My head hurt. I think I did too much thinking in that exam, but hopefully my headache will pay off and I will get a good grade. I sighed a little to myself looking up at Robbie who was clutching my hand firm but gentle in his. Andy and Robbie were waiting outside of the school when we were done. Dakota was completely back to herself after the exam in Andy’s arms, happy as Larry, as he kissed her forehead…no nerves at all. I think she did pretty well, because every time I looked over at her in that exam room she had a smile on her face and was hard at work. Dakota and Andy had already left going back to Dakota’s place. I told her to be at my house for around 7ish. We were going to have a girly night in, just something small to celebrate. We were moving away soon. Hmm… I wonder what it will be like living in the Capital city, London.

Robbie soon brought me away from my deep thoughts buy planting an unexpected gentle but passionate kiss on my lips. At first I was in shock, but slowly began to kiss him back. We stood like that for a few minutes sharing a few cute kisses before he leant his head on mine as my eyes were still shut. I finally opened my eyes to look up into his through my eye lashes. God his eyes were gorgeous, how did I ever get this guy. I must be luckiest girl in the world right now, but something still seemed to be lingering in the back of mind. A familiar face that I strangely felt quite a lot for. I shook that thought from my mind, pushing it to back out of the way of what was really important.

We were walking again, I didn’t really pay attention to where we were going, but I didn’t really mind, as long as I was with Robbie. It looked like we were heading towards the park, Williamsons Park. It was nice up there. Quiet. I always used to go there to think about stuff when I had big decisions to make, or if I was stressed. We walked up the long path towards a grass bank next to a small pond. The weather was nice today, it had gotten better since this morning and the grey clouds had disappeared. I was the first to sit down onto the grass bank stretching my legs out in front of me. Robbie copied my motion, but instead of sitting he laid down with his lead resting on my lap. I ran my hand through his hair and I saw a small smile spread across his perfect tempting lips, then leaned back resting on my hands letting my face soak up the small rare amount of sun that was out today.

“What you thinking about doing after you get your results?” Robbie asked me, swiftly breaking the silence with a reasonable question.

“Hmm... well me and Dakota were thinking about London. But I don’t want to leave anyone behind, especially not you….” I replied opening my eyes and peering down at him.

“You won’t have to leave me… I could come with you… if you like?”

“Oh no, I would love for you to come but I couldn’t drag you away from your friends and band mates...”

Robbie traced his finger along my jaw line looking straight into my eyes.

“Your so sweet you know that, but I would drop anything to be with you,” With that comment I blushed furiously as I felt the temperature rise on my face, “I’ll get the guys to move with us. They will be up for it straight away. They love that big city.”

I felt like I was about to cry. I really liked this guy. Too soon to say I loved him, but the feeling was strong and I’m sure the feeling was mutual between him and I. I pressed my lips to him to show him I didn’t have anything to say. He sweetly kissed back and the rested his head back on my lap while I played with his hair, twirling it round my finger.

*A few hours later*

We had been sat there for hours just laughing and joking. Talking and having heart to hearts. It was amazing. The day was still light but the time was 5 o’clock. Two hours until my best friend was due at my house. I could stay a little longer.

“Oh I forgot to tell you, I saw you at the Blackout and Young Guns gig.” Robbie told me.

“Oh Dear! I can hardly remember anything about that night. I was kind of out of it, thanks to Dakota…” I really could not remember that night much, as you can tell I don’t drink often you could say I was sort of a...lightweight and it was just like all of that night was burnt away with my sketchbook.

“I could kind of tell you were out of it. Singing on stage with Young Guns! That was amazing!” He chuckled.

“No! I didn’t! I wouldn’t!I didn’t, didn’t I?” my voice went from quite loud to pretty quiet.

“Yeah you did. But you were amazing. I never knew you had a voice like that...” This comment also made me blush a little and shook my head, “You really were amazing.”

He kissed my cheek and we carried on with more random conversations, finding out more and more about each other that we didn’t already know.

Time Lapse: Crystals House

Robbie had brought me home about half an hour ago. I was late for Dakota being here as I saw her sat in the living room talking to my mum.

We were now in my room in our jammies and were ready to go down to get the munch for the night. The covers were set up on the floor and it looked really comfy with all the pillows and duvets. My mum was gone for the night, out with her boyfriend. So we had the house to ourselves. Which meant… ALCOHOL! For me and Kota. We ran down stairs and dived into the full cupboards of the kitchen. We grabbed chocolate, crisps, biscuits. Anything we could find to be honest. The vodka was upstairs waiting so all the drink we had to take was a bottle of diet coke.

Taking all that crap upstairs we were searching through the mass amount of DVD’s I owned and settled with The Hangover, Almost Famous and Wayne’s World. Tonight was going to be good, I had a little feeling.

Dakota cracked open the vodka and poured the drinks while I put The Hangover into the DVD player on the side. I jumped into the pile of squishyness and giggled at how childish I was being. Dakota handed me my drink and I gulped as she did to hers too.

We laughed, we talked, we gossiped, even felt like crying at some points.


A few hours later we were ready to watch our 3rd and final DVD of the night but we were also very drunk. Dakota had gotten up to change the DVD and had nearly fallen over. I burst out into a belly laugh as I watched her stagger over to the chest of draws where the DVD player was. I took a sip of the vodka from the bottle letting the burning liquid lash my throat. It felt so nice but so bad at the same time as my face screwed up from the burning sensation. My best friend had sat down back beside me and taken the bottle off me, having a sip herself. I think that was enough alcohol for tonight.

“Soo Dakota… You never told me who Gus was?” I winked at her causing her to make a “pfft” sound.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s a dickhead anyway. Not telling you is for your own good.” She patted my head and laid down ready to drift off into her dreams.

“But whyyy Kota? I really wanna know who he is. He sounded familiar...”

She turned on her side to face me.

“Please Crissie. Trust me that I’m not telling you for your own good. You will just get hurt if I let it slip.” She patted the top of my head a little as I looked down at my feet that were in front of me.

Dakota turned back over to face away from me. I did trust her. I didn’t want to know if it was sure to hurt me. She would have told me if she really had to. She didn’t want to see me hurt and I could understand that.

“Kota? You still awake?” I shook her a little while whispering as loud as I could.

“Well I am now cock face…” She mumbled into the pillow she had her face pressed into.

I giggled at the name she called me. “I am so happy that you’re my best friend and no one else.” I smiled while saying this. It was the truth and really came from the bottom of my heart.

I heard her mumble a faint “Thank you” and then some light snores escape her mouth.

With that I flicked the light off as I stumbled towards it and dropped myself into my sleeping place closing my eyes. Letting the dream land take control straight away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys this is kind of a filler, but we do find out that Robbie is planning on moving to Lodon with the girls ;)
aww Arent Robbie and Crystal soo cute haha

anyway, took my time to get it out, coz i had a case of writers block and ive had quite alot of coursework to do this week. But iwa hassled me in the end haha.

You better Comment! because i made the effort to actually write and get it out!


CloeRawrr... *SLAP* :D