Can I Say Living Hell? ...Or Are You Going to Beat Me?

can i say living hell?.. or will you beat me?

I am a boy trying to get through life bleeding, and suffering, i don't want to life my life a living hell but it's

the only way i am going to get by going to the school, that is a living hell, Residential school they call

this place. I would like to think myself as a well educated teenager, but all my teacher's tell me,

that I'm a piece of shit that is worth nothing then they hit me, and abuse me.

I do not like going to this school, my parent's they left me here told me that i was going to be fine without them

in my life, but as far as I'm concerned... I'm going to die.

My birthday is in a few day's... well at least i think it is. I should be turning at least eighteen, or is it seventeen?

Oh my this is so sad i don't even know how old I'm turning, I have been in this school for so long now,

almost 4 Christmases since i have seen my parents. I haven't been able to even tell them I love them, it's physically

killing me. I honestly don't know how much longer I can take of this.

I really want to tell you what really goes on in this Residential School, From day one back four year's ago,

my parent's dropped me off, they told me everything will be alright and that they will be back to get me in a few weeks,

well a few weeks went on and my parent's never came. The teacher told me my parent's had got into an accident,

and that the driver in the other car was drunk, and went crazy and slammed into my parent's car as they were waiting

for their friend to get out of the shop.

The driver of the other car was killed instantly and so were my parent's the car apparently flew up in flames, and

the fire department never got there in time. It was in the flyer's the next day, The teacher gave me the paper,

and told me that I wont be going home anytime soon, As i asked them why i read the paper, instantly tear's came down

my face.

Month's later I was told that my cousin got into an accident as well, Then everything thing changed after that.

My teacher started telling me that i was good for nothing and that I was stupid, i know myself that I'm not stupid,

my mother always told me that she was happy to have a boy that was as smart and intelligent as me.

Oh how i miss my parents. Another month's has gone by and everybody's parent's and cousin's has died, we started to wonder why

why the teacher's were telling ours this, but they found that this was a good way to hurt us even more, and they thought it was funny.

One year later after my parent's had died i found out that my school was the cause of my parent's "death" they wrote a letter to my

parent's telling them not to come visit me cause i was mad at them for sending me here, and addressed it from me.

I was literally pissed at them for sending something totally fake, and writing it in my name.