
And I Can't Save What's Left of You

Jezzie felt weak but she wasn't going to show it. Her chin was thrust in the air. She was as defiant as ever. Henry couldn't save her this time. She knew that. And she tried to tell herself that she didn't care that he was going to fail her after he had promised he wouldn't. She had brought this on herself after all.

It just didn't seem to make things any easier.

"I warned you girl," Judge Newton warned shaking his head. Jezzie rolled her eyes. God she didn't want a lecture. She wanted him to just give her the damn verdict so she could have it done and over with. She knew what it was going to be, so she didn't honestly see the point in dragging the whole situation out. It took all her strength to not just shout out them to have done with it and just tell her the verdict so she could start serving the time.

"I warned you again and again and it hasn't seemed to make a lick of difference now has it?" he said with a heavy sigh. "Jezebelle Yale, you are convicted guilty of the crime of drug possession and this court hereby sentences you to eighteen months in juvenile detention and two years of therapy to be served by a court appointed physician to begin at the court's description." The sound of the gavel slamming down echoed through the court room.

She didn't look over at Henry or back at Travis. It wasn't worth it. She already knew what their reactions would be. Disappointment and fury. She didn't have the courage to face either of those emotions. Besides, there was nothing any of them could do to chance this. Travis had tried before the last time she had been sent to Juvie. It hadn't worked and what could Henry do? He had already tried everything he could.

Oh well...what could eighteen months hurt?

At least she wouldn't have to worry about getting meals or not. Of course, she was going to have to worry about other things, but there wasn't really much she could do about it. The Bailiff and his cronies came up behind Jezzie and took her by the arm to guide her away. "Wait!" A crisp British accent snapped.

"Jezzie," he said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll see you when you get out of processing," he promised. Jezzie bit the inside of her cheek to contain a snort. For the first time since she had met him, she didn't believe Henry.
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I actually have a plan now! I'm so excited!