
I Understand There's Nothing Left

Christmas in juvie was worse than the thing in the streets. Hands down. She would have killed for a little salt and pepper. It was as if giving the food a little flavor was a sin. Or maybe it was just another punishment for them. Considering who some of the guards were, she wouldn't have been surprised. Alright so they probably didn't have a lot against the other girls, but they sure as hell hated her.

Jezzie dispelled hte thought with a shake of her head and continued picking through the gunk that tried to pass as food. Tried being the operative word. Jezzie knew it was edible, but anything else, she was almost certain that beyond that, it had nothing to recommend it. Her lip curled and she glared at it.

"Well princess, our food not good enough for the likes of yu?" one of the girl's mocked. Her eyes flickered towards the guards before she flipped the girl in question off. She hated this place more the second time than she had the first. Something smacked into the back of her head and she started to grit her teeth. She could feel the goop of the creamy corn slither through her hair and down her back.

Her fists clenched, her knuckles turning white. "How did you manage that one Yale?" one of the guards called. She could hear the mocking laughter in his voice. Her dark eyes turned towards him, trying to set him on fire. If only that kind of thing worked!

"C'mon Yale, let's get you cleaned up," a hand rested on her shoulder with the words. Jezzie looked up to see Michael Beaux. He was one of the few guards who actually treated her like she was a human being. In return, she had given him a nickname that was at least tolerable. She stood up and started walking between the benches of the cafeteria tables. She ignored the jeers tossed her way. She was better than them she promised herself. She was always going to be better than them.

They were going to have to remember that.
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Short chappy I know, but I wanted to just give a little taste of Jezzie's time in jail right now.