
Pain So Familiar and Close to the Heart

Henry had a smile on his face. It was a clear sign he had just come from visiting Jezzie. He was growing to enjoy her complaining and sarcasm mixed with wit. She could make him laugh and slowly his laugh had started to make her smile. Sure it had taken him some three months of visiting every day, but it was worth it to see the little tug at the corner of her lips. She actually looked very pretty when she gave a real smile. he hadn't told her that though. He couldn't.

"Hello Henry."

His head shot up ad he stopped in his tracks. He hadn't heard that voice in months. That last time he had had been on his answering machine the day that Jezzie had gone missing. Before that, he had been quite happy to keep the count at well over three years. That was the problem from coming from a rich background though: you could always be found.

"You didn't come..."

"No, I had no interest in going to that charade of a funeral you likely held for him," he pointed out. "And why should I? I told you people I was never going back there. And the fact that you would try to make me is pathetic really," he snapped. "Now leave," he ordered coldly. "My feelings haven't changed Meg."

She rolled her eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh. "God Henry! Really? When did you become such a priss? It's disgusting really. I'm your bloody sister for crying out loud! I can't come to see you, to talk to you?"

"Don't act innocent," Henry said shaking his head. "You're just as bad as them! You always have been Meg and I won't fall for all of that again. I can't. I have a life here...a good life and I don't want to give that up to go back to all of that."

Meg clenched her jaw. "I'm not the only one looking for you Henry," she pointed out. "And they won't be so nice when they find you. You belong to us dammit."

"Not anymore...and you're free to tell them that," Henry said pushing past Meg so he could get to his front door.

Her hand shot out and touched his shoulder. Henry spun around without warning, one hand grabbing Meg's wrist and the other curling around her throat. She was smiling when he let her go stumbling back. "See....I told you Henry. You'll always belong to us."