
I Can't Find My Way to You

Henry pulled his keys from his pocket deep in concentration. He had a working theory. If that theory was correct than he had the chance to ruin that bastard Travis's life for good. He was starting to want that more and more each day. It might not be a deed worthy of a life's work, but at least he was doing something about him. It was more than most could say.

He looked down and checked his watch to find that he was running late. Jezzie was not going to be happy with him. She would forgive him eventually, but she'd be pouty and sulky all day. He supposed he did deserve that. He should have listened to his phone's vibrating demands the first time instead of the fifth.

"Henry Maddox?"

Turning, Henry's eyes fastened on a familiar face, his jaw clenching. "I don't have time for you," he snapped.

"You should," the man insisted. "I'm here to be friendly."

He paused for a moment considering that. "And why would you want to do that?"

A silence built between them for a moment. "I heard that you're helping the mother of my unborn niece or nephew find the baby a good home. Of course Travis heard too and, needless to say, he's pissed. He's sending some men after you and they've been ordered to not be gentle like last time.

"So he really is the baby's father?" Henry asked softly.

A sad kind of smirk tipped the younger male's lips. "My brother is many things, but oblivious and open he has never been. No one touched Jezzie while she was with Travis and that's been a fact since he's possessed her. And don't ask me how long...you wouldn't like the answer."

Henry honestly couldn't argue that fact either. "Why do you keep doing so much for me and for Jezzie?" he asked instead carefully watching the man before him.

The man seemed to seriously consider that letting silence build around them as they simply stood in the parking garage neither man truly breathing as they waited. "Because it's my fault," he said finally. "And because she deserves better. "Take care of her Henry. I'll be watching you."

Henry watched the young man walk away and had no doubt that he meant what he said. It was unnerving and yet, he was glad for it. It was comforting to know that he wasn't the only one who was watching out for her. He knew all too well how alone she had been in her life. She wasn't going to be alone anymore however. And he was going to make sure that it stayed that way.

Turning back towards his car, Henry's thoughts resumed darker than ever. There were more complications than he would have thought possible. Then again, he really shouldn't have been that surprised considering that Jezzie was involved. As wonderful as that girl was, she was trouble. She lived for it and she attracted it in every possible way. There was no denying that fact. It was honestly one of the things that fascinated him most. He had yet to understand how she survived it at all.

He moved quickly up another flight of stairs only to stop when the door opened in front of him, a leering face standing in his way. "Hello again friend," the man sneered.

Henry rolled his eyes and set his suitcase down. "I really don't have time for this shit," he snapped.

"Make time," a voice ordered from behind him. Something slammed into the back of his head. He didn't feel anything at first, but then the pain bloomed ripe and hot on the back of his skull causing him to stagger even further than the force of the blow alone had allowed.

A foot slammed into his gut throwing him forward again. He took deep shuddering breaths his hands pressed against the ground as four men circled him. He wouldn't be beaten though. A leg kicked out tripping one of the men. Even as he lunged towards the fallen man, arms swung around his shoulders from behind. He brought his legs up and delivered a kick to the man coming at him, pushing the one holding him back into the wall.

"Hold him!" One of them yelled. Another jolt followed by a sharp pain, this time in his temple that made his body sag. "That'll teach ya, fucking British prick," the male snapped spitting on Henry's cheek.

"Go to hell," he spat back. It was a pathetic and cliche last line, but God it was better than just taking it.
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Alright so now that we are down to nine chapters left, I figured i should warn you guys that there will be a sequel. Can't tell you who with though. That would ruin the surprise!