
Search For The Answers I Knew All Along

- - - Two Years Ago - - -

"Jezebel Yale," the judge drawled shaking his head. "How'd I know that I'd see you in here again?" The fifteen year old girl shrugged refusing to look at the man. "Girl, if you don't straighten up, you're gonna be in jail or dead by the time you're twenty."

"Wasn't I already there?" Jezzie asked with a little smirk.

"Miss Yale, I'll have to insist that you don't say another word until I speak to you privately," a British accented voice said moving towards her from the back of the room. Jezzie rolled her eyes. Just great, another state-appointed lawyer and this one wasn't even from this country! Could her luck get any worse? "If you will excuse us your honor, I would like to discuss some things with my client. I was just given the file this morning."

Old Man Newton seemed a little flustered and put out at the thought of her being taken away. "Don't worry Tommy," she teased using his precious nickname. "I'll be back later for you to lecture."

She could literally hear her lawyer's teeth gritting as she was dragged away. He followed close behind as they were taken to a conference room for a private chat. Jezzie plopped into a chair and threw her legs over the side only to have them knocked down by her lawyer. "No, we play things my way," he said sternly. Jezzie giggled and a frown engulfed his face. "You think this is funny.

"I can't take you serious with that accent," she said shaking her head.

"Well to me it's all of you who have the accent. So if I can handle it then so can you."

She blinked. Once. Twice. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. It was rather invigorating though she wasn't going to admit it. Instead she crossed her arms over her chest and sulked like only a fifteen year old teenage girl could.

"This isn't getting us anywhere," he said with a sigh. He ran a hand through his dark hair. "Let's try it this way. Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Henry Maddox. I'm a lawyer."

Jezzie gave him her sweetest grin. "Hello Henry. It's not nice to meet you at all. I'm Jezebel Yale, your worst case."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe, I had to write how they met. I couldn't resist it. Where I go from here, not entirely sure, though I do have a plot in mind. How I get there is an adventure for all of us. Comments? Subscriptions? BOTH?!