
Never the Wiser of What I've Become

"Hey my Jezzie-bell," Jezzie turned around and threw herself into the arms of the man who had spoken. "Mm, you smell sweet baby. I've missed you."

Jezzie nuzzled his neck. "Of course you missed me," she purred. "I just got out of holding. They finally found me a lawyer who could do something right."

"Oh really? Maybe I'll have to take him on then. I've been looking for someone who was worth shit," the man said running his hand up and down Jezzie's back.

Jezzie snorted and looked up at him with a droll look on her face. "He wouldn't take you. He's a goodie-goodie baby, he doesn't give a shit about the good stuff in life." The man shrugged thinking it was a pity. Anyone who could get Jezzie off for the stunts she pulled was someone he would love to have on his payroll.

Someone came banging into the garage and Jezzie looked over the man's shoulder and rolled her eyes. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Henry demanded as he strode forward, eyes burning with a righteous fire.

"Well, well, this that little lawyer you were talking about Jezzie-bell?" he asked.

"Yeah, this is Henry Maddox. Henry this is my man Travis Krenshaw," Jezzie introduced him with a smirk, her eyes boring into Henry's. She had made him a promise and she was bound and determined to keep it.

"I'm impressed with you getting my girl off Maddox. How much does-"

"Just shut up Mr. Krenshaw. How old are you? Twenty-seven? Twenty-eight? I could have you in for statutory rape among the other things I don't doubt you are rightly accused of. I'm just here to pick up Miss Yale. We will be leaving...now." Henry didn't even give Travis a chance to say anything as he stood, arms across his chest waiting for Jezzie.

Jezzie stared a him for a moment before she laughed. "You're so full of it Henry." He crossed his arms over his chest, just staring at her. He wasn't about to back down. "You really think you can do it Henry?" Jezzie faked a southern drawl and sneered at her lawyer.

"Jezzie, we are going to leave now or I will make you." His words were slow and pronounced.

Travis laughed, rubbing his thumb along the side of his nose as he pushed Jezzie behind him. "You aren't taking my girl anywhere Maddox. Now, why don't you turn around and hurry your little defense attorney ass outta here eh?" Travis was a little taller than Henry and more heavily built, but that didn't seem to effect Henry at all.

"Move out of my way. Jezzie and I are going to leave now. You are going to let us or I will make sure that you regret it," there was a dark promise in Henry's voice that actually made Jezzie feel a little afraid.

She pushed past Travis and Henry. "C'mon Henry. I'm sick of this bull. I'll see you later babe."

"Jezebel! Get your ass back here right now," Travis yelled.

Jezzie stopped, rolling her eyes as she looked back over her shoulder. "Really Trav? I'll be back later. Let's get this shit over with Henry." She started walking again, ignoring the sound of Henry's footsteps behind her.

They were outside the garage and around the side of the building when he caught up with her. Henry grabbed Jezzie's arm and spun her around. "What the hell do you think you're doing with your life? You have potential. I see it written all over your files. Which is why if you go near that man again, I'll make it worse for both of you."

"You can't threaten me," Jezzie said trying to pull her arm out of his grip.

Henry shoved her towards his car. "I don't threaten Jezzie. I only make promises I can keep."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so you got to see another side of Henry. And note, this is still right after they've first met so Jezzie is 15 and he's 25.

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