
I Won't Turn My Back On You

Henry took a deep breath as he clicked the light in his apartment living room off. He was doing something very unorthodox and something that could get him in a lot of trouble. He just had to care enough for it to matter at all. He looked over at his couch where the dark form of Jezzie Yale lay sleeping.

Yeah, he was getting in way too deep.

The only thing was, he didn't want to stop that fact. He liked it. It was getting dangerous. Jezzie was ten years his junior. Not only that, she was vulnerable. He couldn't very well take advantage of her. Because no matter what he would like to think, anything between them would be him taking advantage of her.

He shook his head and moved forward, gently picking her up. She had refused to take his bed willingly so he wasn't going to give her a choice in the matter. Besides, he had slept on a lot worse than a couch before. Actually, his couch was pretty comfortable and he was too much of a gentleman to allow Jezzie to sleep there.

She didn't stir for even a moment as he gently lay her on his bed. For the first time since he had known her, she actually looked very sweet. He couldn't believe that they had tried to pull that! A trial while he was laid up in a hospital bed. Those asses. He sighed and shook his head, there was nothing to be done about it now, he had resolved the matter the best he could.

Henry closed the bedroom door behind him and moved easily through the darkened living room. The layout was simple. His whole flat was. Well, simple for him. Of course what was simple for him was usually odd for others giving him the advantage. He had long since learned it was safer that way on many levels.

Lying back on his couch, Henry looked up towards the ceiling not quite able to see it in the darkness. The last time that he had slept on a couch he was actually about Jezzie's age. It had been the day he had decided that he was going to change his life. He closed his eyes as he tried not to think about it.

Some things were truly best to forget.

He let out a slow breath before he opened his eyes again. He would think about his little case file than. Then again that could be dangeorus as well. She was too much like he had been except he had had no excuse. Jezzie had gotten the raw end of the deal. That was why he had promised he was going to stay with her, help her unlike everyone else in her life. Clearly someone had to.

"If only she would let me," he muttered before closing his eyes again and allowing his body to relax. He really needed to sleep. He didn't doubt that tomorrow was going to be another long day.