
Take My Hand, Drag Me Down

Jezzie hadn't seen Henry for a solid month. That was her fault. She knew that for a fact. She had slipped away from his apartment sometime a little before dawn. Sometimes she wondered if he knew she had heard his whispered words or if he had heard her sneaking out. His words hadn't been the real reason why she had gone though.

It had been the phone call.

The sound of the phone ringing had woken her up and she had expected it to have woken up Henry, but after several obnoxious rings, it had gone to voicemail. The voice had been in a clear, almost snarky British accent a lot like Henry's, except it had been a woman's voice.

"Henry? God, what time is it there? It's Meg. Henry...it's about Allen. He's dead Henry. Look...I know that you said you never wanted to see them again, but...he was your mate. Your best mate too before you lost all sense and...Mum wants you to come home."

She had felt her gut wrench as the little beep signified the end of the message. She had been tempted then just to reach out and simply erase the message. She could keep Henry all to herself that way. But he would find out in the end. A message like that didn't just go away. And then he would hate her just like the rest of them. And in this case, she figured it would be better to be abandonned than to be hated.

Not that there seemed to be much of a great choice either way that you looked at it.

So she had left without a word. She knew that most of the other district attorneys he worked with would have told him to do a full check of all his stuff, but she hadn't taken shit. She had been good...for once. It was the least Henry deserved. He was clearly going to go home so why not let him do it with some kind of peace of mind?

Even if she wanted to hate him for it.

Someone nudged her arm and she looked over at the face of the boy only three years older than herself. He looked more like twenty years older. She didn't mind though. Dion was a nice guy. He just had a serious drug and alcohol addiction and the way that Jezzie was going, she was probably going to end up the same way.

Jezzie smiled at Dion and took the joint that he was offering. She might as well. She figured since she was already going to Hell anyway, there wasn't anything really left to lose. And witht that thought, she allowed herself to indulge in a deep breath filtered by the taste of weed. "Jezzie-bell..."

A languid smile curled Jezzie's lips. "Hey Baby."
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Alright so here in this lovely journal of mine you will find the three guys I'm trying to choose between for Travis. Any votes?