Status: Completed! Whoo!

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species 10

Resting in a small clearing, I caught my breath.

I have ran all day long and now it’s midnight. I have to find Lily by tomorrow, but I also need to rest, I’m going to need all my strength when I do find her.

I lay my head on my paws and breathe deeply, only to pop my head back up at the scent that reaches my nose. Standing I watch the bushes to my right as a smaller wolf crawls out, submitting to me. Instant recognization struck me, the last time I saw her she was just a pup in the pack I had control of.

Bending into a play position, I pounced when she bolted to me, her tail going crazy. I allowed her to rub against me, acknowledging her need to be near her alpha. But what shocked me even more was that the rest of my natural pack ran out of the bushes as well, all wanting to be closer to me.

I have missed them all so much. Even though I was with Adrian and his family, they were never far from my mind, and now they’re here.

Feeling rejuvenated I quickly informed my pack with images of what happened and what I needed to get done. Since natural wolves can’t understand every verbal command, I have learned that images and sight are a better way to get my message through.

Once again at the head of the pack I began to run, chasing down Lily.

But I looked back once to make sure that little female was running back the way I came, just as I asked her too.


Adrian pushed himself harder, jumping from tree to tree, trying to catch up with his wolf.
That’s right, he thought, his wolf

Coming to a stop when his night vision spots strange movement, Adrian stood completely still as a tiny wolf sniffed the air around her. She lifted her head, took a big whiff then whimpered, seeming confused.

Knowing that she wasn’t his wolf, or even a shifter, Adrian dropped to the ground. She shrank back, unable to dispel her instinct to flee at the stronger predator.

He was about to walk away, wanting to continue his search, when he smelled her.


And she was all over this wolf. Before he could stop himself his incisors were showing and he had advanced on the creature. Sensing his aggression the wolf turned and bolted, running hard. Giving chase Adrian followed her, the instinct to know where she was going stronger than his rage.


Staying in the shadows, I surveyed the shack. It was old and moldy, barely standing straight, but Lily was in there, her scent drifting from it.

I hope my little wolf was able to find Adrian, I have a feeling I’m going to need him.

Not wanting to fight without him, but not wanting to make Lily suffer any longer, I walked to the house. Sitting in front of it when I was far enough away, but close enough to know what was going on.

Lifting my head back I released a sad, mournful howl.

Almost immediately a man and my brother stepped out into the early morning light.

My brother smiled. “Welcome, beloved sister, to my home away from home.”

I continue to sit, waiting until the right time.

“See?” The other man with Andrew said, “I told you that you’d have her by the end of the week and it’s only Thursday! Please, please can I take my son home now?” he begged

Andrew gave the man a smile, “Of course, Josef. You have done me proud.”

Andrew snapped his fingers and a little boy was shoved through the door.


“David! Oh, David!” the man hugs his son

“Now get out of here before I change my mind.” Andrew snarled

Josef shifted, ripped clothed falling to the ground, and I noticed that he was the buck who attacked me. I watched as David climbed onto his father’s back and they ran off, the buck disappearing into the woods.

“Do you find enjoyment in capturing little children? What kind of wolf is that?”I projected to Andrew

He looked at me, a sneer on his face, “I don’t believe you should be talking to me like that, seeing as I have something you want.” Once more, he snapped his fingers.

Walking like the proud lion she will one day shift into, Lily exited the house, but her proud walk shifted when she saw me.

“Carmella!” She cried, running to me and throwing her arms around my neck, weeping.

“I was so scared, but I stayed strong, just like you, ‘cuz I knew you’d come for me!” she whispered into my coat.

I knew I could run, take Lily and get away, but this has to end, and Andrew knew that.
Standing I gently backed away from her, “Lily, I need you to stand by to forest and close your eyes. I don’t want you to see what’s going to happen, okay?

Lily nodded, tears streaming down her face

“That’s my good girl. If I tell you to run you run as fast as you can, understand me?”

Once again she nodded and then moved to the forest line at my slight nod.

Andrew smiled, “I knew you wouldn’t run. Come on, let’s finish this.”

Removing his clothes, he shifted, charging me as his feet hit the ground. We met with teeth and claws, tearing into each other’s bodies. Grabbing his ear with my teeth, I jerk down, tearing his head to the side as his flesh gave way.

Moving with the turn, Andrew pushed me away with a paw to my chest, jumping from my grasp. We circled each other and I noticed his ear was lopsided causing me to grin a wolfy smile.

Charging at me again, Andrew went low and snagged my leg, tripping me and biting to the bone. Swinging my head around, I attached to his neck, biting down through the flesh. Releasing my leg, Andrew attached to my neck, causing us to be eye to eye.

And so it begins.


Adrian broke off from the wolf, leaped over the brush, and landed next to Lily. Lily popped her eyes open when she felt the air stir, and exclaimed happily while hugging her brother.


He rumbled deep, stroking her cheek with his face. Turning to see Carmella being thrown to the ground his happy rumble turned into a low roar. Trying to dislodge Lily, he moved closer to the fight, only to have a pack of wolves stand in his way. The little wolf he followed stood right in front of him, with what looked like pleading in her eyes.

He was about to charge through, until he saw Carmella fling the other wolf back, latching onto the back of his neck. Adrian knew that the wolves wanted her to show her strength, to prove that she was strong enough, but all he could care about was that his wolf was getting hurt, and when he witnessed her being thrown down again, blood falling from her body and the other wolf moving for the death blow, Adrian exploded.


Whoever said that you can’t hurt in more then one place was wrong. Every piece of my body hurt. My vision is blurry, I’m short of breath, and I’m tired.

So tired.

I had noticed that Adrian was with Lily, but other then that short glance I have no idea what they were doing. Hopefully, if my pack was able to listen to me and Adrian had any sense, they would be long gone by now and Lily and Adrian would be safe.

Please let them be safe.

I gasp for breath as Andrew stands over me, amusement in his eyes. His muscles bunched and he brought his head down, only to have a large black object fling him back.


Lifting my head I can see the much larger cat tear into Andrew. Rising, I limp to where Adrian stood, the barely living wolf in his jaws.

“Adrian, it’s okay, let him go.”

His eyes on me, Adrian released the wolf, stepping back to allow me room.

Remorse filled me as I looked down at my brother. He may be evil, but he’s still my family, and I never wanted to be the end of any of them.

With grief in my eyes, I deliver the death blow.

Lifting my head, I can feel Adrian’s leopard rub his head along my side. Leaning against him, we walked back to Lily and the rest of my pack. Standing back I watch as Lily hugs her brother, and to my surprise, the wolf pack surrounds him as well.

They’ve accepted him as alpha.

Making a quick, but heartbreaking decision, I turn and quietly slip into the forest.

The fight with Andrew was a harrowing, painful experience. The fight depleted my strength and my body and soul was tired.

I know it’s my time to join my mother, and like the animal I am, I leave to do it alone.


Adrian looked at the wolves that were dancing around his feet.

He felt their joy and pleasure at him for being their alpha’s mate.

Carmella’s mate.

He couldn’t be happier. Wanting to share his excitement and needing to tell her that he loved her, Adrian turned, but she was gone.

The clearing was empty of her, just as his heart was starting to feel.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is not the end, there is one more chapter. I have figured out how to use the characters thingy! Go check 'em out and tell me what you think! I want to give a special thank you out to you, LittleTinySmurfGirl! You're the best!