Status: Completed! Whoo!

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species 1

My grandmother used to say “Never stick your nose into anything that smells funny. Funny smells almost always have a tendency to bite you in the tail”. Back then I was only six and I never understood why she would say “almost always”. Either it was going to bite you or not, so I eventually forgot about gram’s advice.

I don’t know what made me think of it now. Maybe it’s the fact that I finally understand what she was saying after sixteen years or maybe I remembered because she was right. Right now I am having one of those painful “you idiot” moments. You know the one where you can’t help but call yourself an idiot over and over again? I can hear my grandmother now, “Young lady, what were you thinking? Don’t you listen to anything I say? Do you think I got this old without learning a thing or two?”

Okay granma, I get it. I need to grow up and stop acting like a pup, but right now I have to get out of this trap. That’s right, a trap. You’re probably thinking: ‘I knew a trap situation was coming! Totally cliché’. Well I wish you’d have told me that an hour ago. I cannot believe that I fell for a bear claw trap! That is so 200 years ago. I was expecting a more futuristic trap like an MCL, also known as a ‘muscle clinching laser’ one that clinches all the muscles in your body so that you can’t move, even when the Collectors come to pick you up.

Collectors can be compared to as the boogey man of our planet. They kidnap and trap different shifter species and then sell them for various reasons. Anyways, I suppose that the only reason I fell for such a primitive trap is because I was on the lookout for something more, like that MCL.

Now that I am caught, and have been for a good 45 minutes, I can only imagine what will happen once the Collectors come. In my mind they are bulky, ugly, hairy creatures that wield giant clubs with iron spikes around the end. There would be at least ten of them, all coming at me with drool dripping from their mouths. Once they reached me, they would proceed to beat me to death with their mighty clubs. . . Okay, so I have a super active imagination that goes way beyond the realm of reality, but then again, you never know what happens in this kind of a situation.

Maybe it’s just not my imagination that’s fueling my thoughts. Bear claw traps are not known for being the cleanest way to catch an animal. At this moment I am bleeding all over the trap and the ground, losing my life source through my front right leg. I suppose it’s a good thing that it’s the middle of winter since the snow has numbed my limp leg. Even though I don’t feel my leg doesn’t mean that the blood loss isn’t affecting me. My head feels like it’s floating, my sight is getting blurry, and I’m seeing shadows moving.

Oh, wait. I’m not seeing moving shadows because of my blood loss. I’m seeing moving shadows because there are some people moving towards me. Even through my lethargy and blood loss I manage to push my multi-colored body up, leaning most of my wait on my other three legs. Baring my sharp canines I give of a frightening growl, right before I collapse to the ground from exhaustion.

The last thing I remember before everything went black was a slimy, snake like voice commanding: “Grab the wolf before she bleeds to death. She’ll make us a hefty pay check.”
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Let me know how this chapter is... any comments or ideas are welcome! Thanks!