Status: Completed! Whoo!

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species 2

Lord Landers walked into the dingy pet store. The building smelled as if it hadn’t seen soap and water for at least a year and the look of the place didn’t help to improve the atmosphere. There were rusted cages turned over, broken glass, and what looked like old blood stains splattered all over the walls. Taking his time to look at his surroundings, Landers wondered why he was there in the first place. Just yesterday his Sergeant had called to inform Landers that an old pet store recently acquired some rare inventory. Why Lord Landers decided he should check it out was beyond him.

Turning to leave, Landers heard shouting from the other side of the room. Following his ears, Landers approached a door that was painted to look like the walls surrounding it. When he placed his hand against the door it was cool to the touch. He couldn’t help but to think why a rundown pet store would need a steel door. Just as Lord Landers place his hand to turn the door handle a force crashed into it from the other side. The steel shook from the attack, a few flakes of paint falling to the floor. Grasping the handle, Landers pulled open the door and watched as a bundle of fur landed at his feet.

Taking a closer look, Landers realized that the bundle was actually a wolf; to say that he was shocked was an understatement. Wolves have been nearly extinct for the past 80 years. There have only been about ten wolves recorded throughout the world, all in a rehabilitation area. History says that right after the last two humans escaped, a fight broke out amongst the shifters. After grueling hours of feuds, two species remain undefeated: canines and felines. To determine which would lead the rest, canines and felines attacked. It is known that the felines won, giving the title of Lord to the strongest. The new Lord then declared that the wolf shifters were to be banished, forever known as inferior because a wolf had killed his lover in the fighting. Wolf population began to decline, until they were just hanging on by a thread. Seeing the wolf so close to extinction, the last Lord proclaimed that there were to be land set aside for them. He knew that once one species dies out, it’s not long before another follows. After a few decades the wolves began to resurface with the Lord’s help, but a few raiders did not like the changed. These raiders went out and killed all but three before the authorities stopped them. Even now it is hard for the wolf species to regain their numbers. More and more raiders are attacking them. Just in the last five years raiders have killed wolf pups, causing Lord Landers’ father to up security at all rehabilitation areas.

Looking at a wolf for the first time Landers is able to understand why his father was so driven to save this species. Even through the blood covered fur the wolf’s body indicated that she had been healthy before her attack. At further inspection, Landers noticed that most of the blood was gushing from her leg, though he noticed that cuts adorned her body. She was breathing heavily and her body was shaking.


I have never been in so much pain than I have today. When I was around ten I fell out of a tree. Upon landing I broke my arm, three fingers, a toe and my collarbone. I used to think that was bad, but now I’m finding out that pain is not limited to just the physical aspects. My emotions are screaming in agony as my body tries to cope with my injuries. Since my body is undergoing such extreme distress my mind is trying to shut down. Just fighting to stay alert is depleting my energy. I suppose I’ve thrown myself into that stupid door a few times too many.

I force my eyes open and look up into bright golden orbs. The man was staring at me and I could see confusion and anger in his face. Gathering up my strength, I stand on shaky legs and take a defensive stance. I don’t know if this new stranger is friend or foe, but I can’t take the chance on not being prepared. Even though I’m trying to stand still, my body sways with exhaustion. I watch as the man pulls out a small device, move a finger across the surface, and then bring the object to his ear. When he starts to have a conversation with himself, I wonder if he’s crazy.

“Send a medical unit to my location. . . No it’s not for me. . . Bring substantial food and water as well.”

I watched as he continued to talk to himself until he gave a brief command then removed the device from his head. I gave a warning growl when he place his hand into his pocket, but became quiet when he pulled it out empty handed. Watching me closely, the man was about to say something when the door to the back of the room opened.

Turning to face the intruder, I growled low in my throat when a sickening familiar smell greets my nose. I watched as the man who captured me stopped in shock as he noticed the golden eyed guy. Looking between the two I noticed how different they were. One was short with greasy white hair that was bald at the top. The other had a full head of hair that was darker at the roots and turned a deep golden at the ends. One had menacing grey eyes while the other owned warm golden eyes. While my kidnapper was a bit on the short side with a slumped back, the slightly crazy guy was well over six feet tall and had perfect posture.

“L-lord Landers! What are you doing here?!” squeaked the slimy man

The newly named Lord Landers, what a funny name, raised a single eyebrow and managed to seem bored.

“I assume you are the person who owns this establishment?” questioned Lord Landers

“W-well yes, I am the owner, but the store has been closed for a year and a half. . .”

“I have noticed. Do you always treat your animals this way?” he gestured to me

Slimy man stuttered, clearly not knowing how to answer.

“I see. Well you will no longer have the responsibility of this wolf.”

“B-but sir-!”

“No. I am taking this animal with me, there will be no objections.”

“Y-yes sir. I will get the tranquilizer.” Slimy turned to exit the room only to stop when Lord Landers called to him.

“There will be no need for that. I have complete faith that she will come with me willingly.”

Lord Landers gave Slimy one last look, glanced to me, then walked out the door.
I stood watching where he was, wondering why he would believe I would go with him, when Slimy uttered a curse and looked at me as if he wanted to kill. I suppose that it’s better if I did go with Lord Landers . . . at least that way I wouldn’t have to be around when Slimy here blows up. I gathered my energy and limped out of the room, following Lord Landers. When I reached the store room, I saw Landers talking, or really commanding, a man in a red jumpsuit. When I stepped closer both turned to look at me. Lord Landers’ mouth twitched, as if he was about to smile, but decided not to, while the man in the jumpsuit stared with his mouth opened.

“That’s a wolf!”

“Yes, she’s a wolf, and she needs medical attention.”

“Yes Sir! Uh, is she safe to approach?”

“You’d have to ask her.”

If I could laugh in my wolf form, I’d be rolling. This young man looks like he’s ready to foil his jumpsuit. Poor guy, he seems sweet, but I’ve had it with strangers wielding sharp, painful tools. Lowering my head I fix my gaze on the young man in red and force my body to be still, but like before, that’s easier said than done since I am so weak. Gulping the man cautiously lowers his arms and allows his body to kneel in front of me, showing me his submission.

Breathing slowly he asks, “Would you allow me to heal you?”

I look to Lord Landers for reassurance. Because I am a wolf shifter nobody has ever asked my permission, let alone submit to me. Landers gives me a small nod, confirming my question of whether or not this man will hurt me. Hoping that I’m not acting like a fool, I slowly limp to the red man. The short walk from the door way to the two men snapped the rest of my energy, and as I placed my last step my leg gave out. Everything goes black as I crash to the ground.
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Once again, comments and ideas are welcom!