Status: Completed! Whoo!

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species

Slave: The Fight to Save a Species 7


Lily, Adrian, and I turned to look at the healer running toward us. We were just about to leave and go get Lily’s outfit when she called.

“Don’t leave yet, I need to change Carmella’s bandage.” Reaching for my arm, she pulled me away from the others.

“Hurry up, we need to get to the store before it closes.” Adrian grumbled

“Don’t you worry, it’ll only take a second.” Rushing me into a bathroom down the hall, she shut the door and started to lift my shirt.

“Come child, don’t be shy.”

She quickly removed my t-shirt and then unwound the wrap. Pulling the last layer away she gasped at what she saw.


My side was completely healed, not a single red mark against my pale skin. Twisted with the wrap was the stitching wire that my body had pushed out.

“My goodness... I have never seen anyone heal injuries that fast! Normally a wound that bad would take at least four days, you healed in one! How is that possible?”

I know why I heal so fast, but it’s not something I like to talk about. So instead of verbally answering her, I shrugged.

“Well,” she sighed, “I guess you’re free to go. Put your shirt on and join the others... I have some research to do.”

I watched her leave while I gathered my shirt, put it on, and walked back to the others. They stood in the same spot, turning to me as I walked over.

“How’s your side?” Lily asked

“All better, healed even.”

Lily exclaimed happily while Adrian looked at me funny.

“Healed?” He questioned

I shrugged again, not wanting to go into details. He looked like he was going to press for more information when Lily broke in,

“Can we go now?”

Adrian sighed, “Yeah, we can go.”

“Whoo!” Lily ran out the door.


“Who are you again?” I asked as the sales associate went to retrieve Lily’s dress from the back.

“Little Red Riding Hood!” Lily happily replied

I’ve never heard of her, but I don’t tell Lily that.

“And who am I?”

“The evil wolf that’s hungry!”

I frowned, “Then why don’t I eat something?”

“Because, silly, you’re supposed to try to eat me!”

My eyes grew bigger, “I would never harm you, let alone eat you!”

Lily sighed as if exasperated, “I know that. It’s all pretend!”

I lifted horrified and confused eyes to Adrian. I was about to say something else, about wolves being evil, but the sales person came back.

Lily gasped excitedly, “My dress!”

A red dress, with gold detail, was attached to a cape out lined in gold. Fancy red shoes followed along with the dress as well as a red and gold head band. The outfit looked expensive, but it lit Lily’s eyes with delight so I decided not to comment.

“It’s perfect! Oh look! Look at how it shines! I can’t wait!” Lily started jumping up and down.

Walking away, I allowed Adrian to pay. Spotting a colorful sign I started to read.

[impact=]City Fair!

Come and eat your weight in greasy foods, scare yourselves with haunted houses, and ride all the rides to your hearts content!

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday only! Get your tickets today!

What does that all mean?

“I see you are infatuated with this wondrous sign!”

I turn around to see another sales person behind me.

“Have you been to the fair yet?” She asked

I shook my head, not wanting to tell her I had no idea what a fair was.

“You do know that today is the last day, right?”

I shrugged.

“What’s going on?” I turned to see Adrian and Lily walking to us, a small box in her arms.

“Adrian! Shame on you! Why haven’t you taken this lovely thing to the fair yet?” the motherly sales lady asked

“Uh, well...”

“Just like a man! Doesn’t know how to treat a lady. Don’t you worry; I’ll make sure he takes you tonight. Nobody should miss the chance to go to the fair.”

“Mrs. Sherman, we really can’t – “Adrian was interrupted

“Of course you can! And don’t think you can’t get out of it, young man. I’m calling you father when I’m on break.”

Adrian sighed, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good man, Hello Lily girl!” She wrapped Lily in a hug, box and all.

“Mrs. Sherman! Did you see my dress?!”

I look back at the sign as Lily told the sales lady about the dress. I notice Adrian looking at the paper as well, a frown on his face.


He turned to me, the frown never leaving his face.

“What’s a fair?

His frown turned to confusion. Opening his mouth to speak, he was interrupted.

“Adrian! Let’s go! I wanna show daddy!”

Adrian sighed, “Alright, lets go.”

“Are we gonna go to the fair too?” Lily gave her best puppy look

Adrian looked at me, some sort of emotion in his eyes that I don’t understand.

“Yeah,” he said quietly, still looking at me, “We’ll go to the fair.”


I stood in front of a mirror, looking at the outfit that their healer, whose name I still don’t know, picked out for me.

I have on a white undershirt, a blue, white, and black plaid shirt, blue jeans, and what she called boots on my feet.

The outfit isn’t uncomfortable, but when you’ve been a wolf your whole life so much on your skin is different.

Looking at my face, I studied the colors she had added. I’m not fond of make up, but she didn’t add much. All she did was shadow my eye lids so that the pale green of my eyes
popped out.

Turning at the knock on the door, I watched as the healer walked in.

“Oh, you look so pretty!” she exclaimed

“Um,” I looked down at my clothes, “Is everyone going to wear this?”

“Well, no. I just love the western look, but don’t worry, you look so good everyone will love you!” she clapped her hands together.

“Now come along, everyone’s waiting for you!”

I followed her out to the main room, stopping as everyone turned to look at our entrance.
Lord Landers was the first to speak, “Well, since everyone is ready, I suppose we should leave.”

Adrian, Lily, and I followed their father out to the vehicle, allowing the diver to shut the door behind me. I looked at the scenery passing by my window, wondering how far from home I am. In the distance I noticed a large shadow, circular in shape, and it moved without going anywhere.

“Adrian?” I watched as the man sitting next to me looked my way.

“What’s that, in the distance?”

He leaned over me, looking at the object I pointed out.

“That’s the Ferris Wheel. People sit in the seats and it slowly brings them up so that they can see for miles.”

“People are on that? Why?”

Adrian shrugged, “Maybe they think its fun.”

A little while later we were all pilling out of the car. I have never seen so many people in one place. Walking to the entrance, I was amazed at the amount of the different animals and personalities. There was a female serval with pink on every piece of clothing she wore, a male raccoon dressed as a bandit, probably trying for the ironic humor, a couple of otters, and more.

Landers paid a man and then lead us through the entrance.

“Adrian, why don’t you show Carmella around while I take Lily to the kiddy rides?” Without letting Adrian answer, Landers shuffled Lily away, leaving me alone with his son.

I don’t know if this was such a good idea. I have a feeling Adrian just wants to leave me in this unknown place, alone for the vultures to feed on... oh, speak of the flesh eating scavenger, one just walked by, looking at everyone as a potential meal.

“Give me your wrist.” I turn to see Adrian walking up to me from a small, but tall box.

“What?” I frowned

Adrian just sighed and grabbed my arm, quickly snapping a colorful band of plastic around my wrist.

“What’s this for?” I asked, instantly thinking it was a sigh of submission, that Adrian was my master or something.

“It allows you to ride as many rides as you want without a limit.” He showed me the one on his wrist

“Oh.” Maybe I over reacted... stupid imagination.

“Come on; let’s put these bracelets to good use.”


“That was so much fun!” I laughed as we exited the haunted house.

“You really weren’t scared?” Adrian asked, confused

I looked behind us to see a girl clinging to some guy, shrieking about how she would never do that again, as they exited the house.

“No way! It was hilarious! You could see the sting holding the bats and spiders, the projector as that mummy thing walked to us, and the vampire? Wax!” I started to jump up and down with excitement.

Adrian just shook his head, this wolf was the only female he’s ever known to not freak out at stuff like that, and it was a bit refreshing.

As evening turned into night, a light day switched to a dark night, I found the real meaning of fun. It’s not the first successful hunt, or winning your first fight. It was being able to relax with someone and not having to worry about the dangers of life.

But as I sat in a hard plastic seat, nerves stole into my thoughts. Adrian had managed to convince me to ride the Ferris Wheel. Adrian took the seat next to me, the next thing I know the seat rocked and started to lift up.

To my knowledge I have never hyperventilated, but I’m on my way there right now.

“Hey, calm down.”

I looked at Adrian with distressed eyes.

“What if something goes wrong?” I whispered, “What if the seat falls off and we’re still in it? What if we or someone else gets hurt?”

“Hey, what happened to the girl who laughed when that roller coaster took a dive? Or the girl who ran through all those haunted houses, enjoying every minute?” he spoke just as quietly

I leaned over the side of the chair and looked down, “She stayed with her feet planted firmly on the ground.”

I look back to the man besides me, “The only thing holding this chair is a few bars above us, and it’s a lot higher then that roller coaster.”

The seat came to a shuddering stop. I felt my face pale as the seat moved back and forth.

“It’s going to be okay.” Adrian looked uncomfortable, almost like he didn’t know what to do, “This seat is secure and it won’t fall just because we’re on it. And anyways, I’m here, nobody is willing to let any harm come to their future Lord, or anybody who’s with him.”

Right as I was about to say something, the wheel gave a great groan, jerking back, continuing it’s climb, higher and higher, until we were at the very top. I had closed my eyes, not wanting to face the disaster I knew was coming. I just knew we were going to fall back, moving faster and faster, the wheel not slowing down until it –


Did someone just say my name?

“Carmella, look at me.”

I turn to the voice only to see Adrian. I think this is the first time he’s said my name.
“It’s going to be okay. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

He moved, wrapping his arms around me, enfolding me in his warmth. I burrowed closer, not caring if we fought, not caring what others thought, and, for just this moment, not caring if he hated me.

He leaned his head down, “Look, open your eyes and see. There’s Mrs. Sherman, trying to win a fish by tossing a ring around a bottle. And there’s Mrs. Habberknack bouncing a basketball –“


“Our healer, see.” He pointed to the short lady as she made a basket shot.

Looking around I could see thousands of happy people, from kids eating weird pink fluff to parents holding large toys. Lights flashed, blinked, and sparkled to promote whatever they were selling.

“It’s beautiful.” I breathed

“Yeah, very beautiful.”

I turned to see Adrian looking at me.

I open my mouth to speak, but the chair jerked again, starting its descent. For the rest of the ride I watched the people. When a man lifted the gate Adrian stepped out, helping me from the chair.

“Come on, I think it’s time for you to try cotton candy.”


“Carmella!” Lily called as she ran to me.

I passed my bag of cotton candy (which resembles a cloud and tastes like heaven) off to Adrian and caught the flying girl in my arms. She giggled as I twirled around then sat her back down again.

“Look what daddy won for me!”

I looked to see Lord Landers holding a giant bear with a hair problem.

“It’s adorable, how – “

I was interrupted by the scariest shriek I have ever heard. Turning around I searched for someone who may have broke their leg, but was shocked to see some girl suffocating Adrian with their arms around his neck. I was about to go over when he untangled himself.

“That’s Susan, she’s a weasel.” Lily said with disgust

I looked down, “Lily, it’s not nice to call people names.”

Landers laughed, “No, her animal is a weasel.”

“Oh” I watched as she kept trying to reattach to Adrian while he kept pushing her away, politely. He looked over at me and mouthed the word ‘help’. Not knowing what to do I continue to stand by Lily.

‘Please’ he mouthed again

Furrowing my brow I started over to him. When I was close enough he reached over and pulled me to his side.

“- and then Kelly was like – Who’s that?” the girl asked

“Um, this is Carmella.” Adrian supplied

“And what is she doing here?” Susan inquired

“Well. She’s – “

“Oh no! Adrian tell me it’s not true!” she suddenly screamed

“Uh...” he looked just as confused as I was feeling

“You’re cheating on me! You’re just like every other man! I can’t believe you’d – “

“Susan! I can honestly say I’m not cheating.”

“You’re not?” she looked hopeful

“No. We’ve been separated for two years and I haven’t seen you for 20 of those months.”

“That doesn’t matter! We’re meant to be together! Pedro help – “

“Who?” Adrian asked

“Oh, just some sea lion I meet a few months ago, but that’s beyond the point, what matters is that I realized we were perfect together!” she cried

“No, I feel nothing towards you; I’ve never felt much of anything where you’re concerned really, but I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings. It’s over between us, Susan.”

“I will not believe that, Adrian. And anyways, what’s so special about her! She’s probably just some mongoose trying to use you!”

“Mongoose!” I shrieked, “Like you’re any better, weasel!”

“Look, no matter what animal you are, you won’t be any where near worthy of Adrian! He’s a leopard! A leader! What are you?” she squealed

I felt one of my eyebrows raising, “An alpha wolf.” I smirked

“Wolf!” she squeaked

“Alpha?” Adrian question

“That’s right, I’m the alpha wolf, the leader of the pack. I fought my way to the position and I could take you on any day.” I informed proudly

Adrian smiled and looked to Susan, “It’s all good, you’ve got Pedro, and I’ve got Carmella.”

For some reason that sent warmth throughout my body, but it didn’t last long as I noticed Susan preparing to attack. When she flung her body at Adrian, a scream piercing the air, I inserted my body between them, shifting into a wolf. My body hit hers, throwing her onto the ground. Standing above her cowering figure I notice a crowd forming around us. Growling low in my throat, I warn everyone back. I glance at Adrian as he kneels by me, rubbing my ear.

“Come on, leave her so we can head home.”

I step back and looked at my torn clothes. Guess I’m leaving as a wolf.

As we walked out, people stared at me. They were whispering and pointing at me. Many different emotions were being thrown at me. Wonder, excitement, joy, but most of all I felt hatred. Why would they hate me? I didn’t actually hurt the girl, I mean sure, she did fall to the ground, but she’s a weakling if she got hurt just from that. Trying to get away from the glares, I pressed closer to Adrian’s side. I felt that same familiar warmth overtake my body as he stroked my fur.

All in all, I’d say that for this being my first fair, every thing went wonderful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just wanted to let you guys know that all the animals in this story are predators. Oh and I was wondering how everyone wants this to end... no, I'm not close to being done, still some surprises left, but I want to know now so I have time to write it in. So let me know if you guys want a happy ending or a sad ending.
Comment me with you ideas!