‹ Prequel: Green Porcupine
Sequel: Meant to be

So Close Yet So Far

So close yet so far

"Mom calm down, I'll be fine." Ramona says at the airport gate.
"I know, but if you ever want to come back." Lisea says in a motherly voice.
"Yeah, yeah. Trust me, everything's going to be okay." Ramona says as she hugs her mom goodbye and walks into line to pass through the metal detectors.

"Hey Tre." Joey says over the phone.
"Ramona's not here yet." Tre mutters.
"Yeah, I know, I was just wondering if I could come with you to the airport?"
"So you want me to go out of my way to your house to pick up the boy who wants to nail my daughter so I can give him an advantage to see more of her." Tre asks maliciously.
"Umm when you say it like that." Joey says as he turns red. Tre bursts out laughing.
"Be ready in twenty minutes or I'm driving off without you." Tre says as he hangs up the phone.

"Joey!" Ramona says happily as she runs up to her boyfriend.
"Hey Ramona." Joey says as he wraps his arms around her and kisses her lips gently.
"So did you pick me up alone, you can't drive yet." Ramona says confused.
"No, Tre and them are waiting over there, I was just walking back from the washroom." Joey says uneasily. The two of them walk over to where Tre, Bianca and Josh are sitting.
"Hey Kid-o." Tre says as he hugs his daughter, "Here to stay I see."
"Yeah." Ramona says happily as she goes to hug her step-mom.
"How was your trip?" Bianca asks as she picks up a fussy Josh.
"It was good." Ramona says casually as she walks not far behind with Joey, "So where's Franky?"
"He's with his mom this week." Tre says as they near the car. They all get settled in the car and light conversation starts.
"So Ramona, we have to take you shopping for your school stuff this week." Bianca says casually.
"Okay." Ramona says more amused by Joey.
"I was thinking we can make it girls' day out with Cassie and Stella."
"Yeah sounds fun." Ramona says twitching because Joey just poked her hip.
"We'd have to go on Wednesday because I have too many classes to teach on Thursday and Friday."
"Sounds great." Ramona says as she manages to poke Joey back.

They get back to the house and Joey helps take Ramona's suitcases in.
"Mom said you're going to be here all the time." Josh says following Joey and Ramona up the stairs.
"Well, I get to watch SpongeBob in the morning." Josh says sternly.
"Okay, I don't mind." Ramona says laughing as Josh scurries off. Ramona opens her suitcases and starts putting her stuff away.
"Need any help?" Joey asks as she rushes around the room.
"Umm not really." Ramona says nervously as she shoves her undergarments in a drawer hoping Joey didn't take notice.
"Okay." Joey says as he flops down on her bed. Ramona finishes unpacking a majority of her stuff and flops down on the bed next to him. They were finally alone and Joey took advantage of it as he started kissing her neck and made his way up to her lips. Ramona placed her hands on the back of his neck to pull him close and keep him there.

"Ramona!" Josh's voice calls out from the other side of the door. "Dad wants you and Joey where he can see you."
"Fuck." Joey mutters under his breath.
"Obviously not today." Ramona says laughing as the leave the room and head down to the family room.