‹ Prequel: Green Porcupine
Sequel: Meant to be

So Close Yet So Far

So close yet so far

"When's Daddy coming back home?" Josh asks one morning.
"Three more weeks, but we're going to go visit him next week."
"We're going touring?" Ramona asks as she walks into the kitchen for some breakfast.
"No, you have to stay here, you have school." Bianca says as she hands her step-daughter a plate of pancakes.
"What? So unfair." Ramona mutters as she sits at the kitchen table.
"No, Stella, Joey and Jakob are staying behind too and Frankito is staying with his mom."
"What so it's going to be you, Cassie, Adie, Josh and Travis." Ramona asks.
"Yeah, we'll only be gone two weeks."
"So I'm staying home alone for two weeks, aren't you worried I'll throw wild parties?"
"No, I'm planning on telling the neighbors to call the cops at the slightest sign of a party, and you won't be alone, Stella is going to stay here for those two weeks."
"Why isn't she staying at her mom's?"
"Business trip apparently." Bianca says as she puts away the breakfast dishes.
"What's with pancakes?"
"Uhh, woke up early." Bianca says shrugging, "I don't sleep well when your father's away."
"Yeah, yeah. Skip the details." Ramona mutters as she grabs her schoolbag and heads out the door to the bus stop where Joey and Jakob are already waiting.

"Ramona, did Bianca tell you the moms are going on tour without us?" Jakob asks eagerly.
"Yeah, I found out this morning." she mutters as she wraps her arms around Joey and kisses his gorgeous lips.
"Oh jeez." Jakob mutters as he looks away.
"It's nothing you haven't seen before." Joey teases. "Maybe when they're gone I can sneak in through your window."
"Well that's a dumb idea; you can use the front door." Ramona teases. "You sneak in through the window when they are home."
"Oh right." Joey says laughing as he kisses Ramona again. "Hmm you and me whole house to ourselves."
"Not really, Stella is staying over when they're gone."
"Jake, be a good little brother and ask Stella darling out." Joey says in a mocking tone.
"I don't like her!" Jakob insists.
"Tis not what you say when you're sleeping."
"Shut-up shit-face."
"Leave him alone, I'm sure we'll work something out." Ramona whispers into Joey's ear. The bus pulls up to the curb and the three of them pile in.

"Ramona! Can you get that?"
"Yeah, yeah." Ramona calls out through the house. She opens the door to see Cassie, Stella and Travis with Stella's bag as a cab waits behind them.
"Hey Cass," Ramona says letting them in.
"Hey, is Bianca ready?" Cassie says looking at her watch.
"Where's Josh?!" little Travis asks eagerly.
"Umm in his room I think." Ramona says as the child whips past her.
"Oh hey Cass, ready to go?" Bianca says as she comes down the stairs with Josh and Travis.
"Yeah, the cab's waiting." Cassie says as she picks up her rambunctious son.

"Okay, you two." Bianca says turning to the two girls, "There's plenty of food in the freezer, just heat it up and there's money for pizza or Chinese for Friday nights. Umm what else, don't even think about skipping school because I told the principal to notify us if you don't show up. Jill will be checking up on you every once and a while, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, you told us all this before." Ramona says rolling her eyes.
"We'll be fine; if anything happens the guys are just down the street." Stella mutters.
"Yeahuh." Cassie says rolling her eyes. "Just what they need, hormone driven individuals minutes away."
"Cass!" Stella says embarrassed.
"I'm just kidding." Cassie says laughing, "Behave, don't destroy anything."
"We won't!" the two girls say as they finally get their step-mothers out the door.

"So uhh let's watch TV." Ramona suggests as the two girls walk into the family room.
"Yeah." Stella says as she slumps on the couch as Ramona turns on the TV. After about half an hour of mindless television the door bell rings loud and clear through the house.
"It's the axe murderer." Ramona says dramatically as she goes to answer the door.

"Hey baby." Joey says seductively as he wraps his arms around Ramona.
"So the mothers are gone."
"Mmmhmm." Joey hums as his younger brother comes up the front step.
"Get a friggin room." He mutters as he pushes past them.
"What are you doing tonight?" Joey mumbles as he closes the door behind him with his foot while his arms remain around Ramona's waist and his lips millimeters away from her neck.
"I was going to watch countless hours of television and stuff my face full of chips with Stella but I'm willing to cancel."
"Good, I'm taking you out tonight." He mumbles as they separate from a few millimeters to a few inches and walk into the family room.

"Hey kinder surprise." Joey calls out to his brother.
"Yeah dipstick."
"We're going out."
"Tcha fine, I'm staying here." Jake says slumped on the couch.
"You weren't invited." Ramona taunts.
"See ya later." Stella teases evilly.
"Yeah later." Ramona says as she wraps her arm around Joey as they leave the house.

They catch the next bus and take a bench at the back of the bus.
"Where are you taking me?" Ramona murmurs into Joey's ear.
"How does a movie sound?"
"Sounds fun, but what are we going to do during those horrible previews." Ramona asks evilly.
"I have a few ideas." Joey mumbles as the bus comes to a stop about a block away from the cinema. The two of them step out of the bus and walk down to the cinema.

"Finally, I thought they'd never leave." Jakob mutters.
"I know, they're all over each other every moment they get." Stella says rolling her eyes.
"Not to mention the non-stop taunts about how we're having a secret relationship."
"Yeah, I know, that's seriously getting old." Stella mutters as she changes channel.
"We should go out just in spite of them."
"Yeah that would be funny."
"I could just picture my dad freaking out, after Joey and Ramona he's been acting all twitchy."
"So let's do it." Jake says raising his eyebrows evilly.
"Sure, go fetch a condom and I'll get naked." Stella says sarcastically. Jakob tilts his head and looks her over. "What?" Jakob leans forward, cups her cheeks and kisses her lips passionately. "Whoa."
"Sorry." Jakob lies, he enjoyed every moment of that kiss.
"Don't be." Stella says licking her lips in satisfaction. "I liked it."
"Really?" Jakob asks as he slides next to her, putting his arm around her. He locks his lips against hers again.
"Jake, let's just slow it down." Stella says even though she wanted to continue kissing him.
"Sure." Jakob says sitting back.

Ramona and Joey walk out of the cinema after the movie.
"So what do you think Jake and Stella are doing now?" Ramona asks evilly as they walk down the street.
"Umm probably sitting in front of the TV eating chips." Joey says in mockery.
"Oh yes, that seems about right." Ramona says laughing. "I don't feel like joining them yet."
"Yeah neither do I." Joey says as he wraps his arms around her, "Where do you wanna go?"
"Music." she says kissing him.
"Rock'n'Roll Café down the street."
"Sounds good." The two of them walk down the street with each with one arm around the other as they neared the sound of live music. Booming sound grew louder as they neared the outdoor band.

After a couple of hours of listening to some intense rock music Joey and Ramona decide to head back home.
"Shhh Stella's probably sleeping." Ramona says laughing as she unlocks the front door.
"But I yearn for you." Joey says as he rubs up against her from behind.
"You yearn." Ramona teases, trying to muffle her laugh as they stumble into the house.
"Oh, oh TV is on." Joey says twitching.
"Stell," Ramona calls out cautiously but no reply. The two of them creep into the family room to see Stella fast asleep . . . .spooned in Jakob's arms.