‹ Prequel: Green Porcupine
Sequel: Meant to be

So Close Yet So Far

So Close Yet So Far

Joey had been out of the hospital for a few days and the drama had finally faded. At least so they thought, but to Ramona a new can of drama had just been unleashed. She drove to see Joey as she held back her tears. She parked the car across the street from the Armstrong house and rang the door bell. Billie Joe answered.

"Hey Ramona." He sees that she looks uneasy. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh yeah, just had a stressful morning."
"Alright, well Joey's in his room."
"Thanks." She says as she goes up the stairs to his room.

"Hey Mona," Joey says looking up from where he was lying. He grabs his stereo remote and lowers the volume.
"Hey," She says as she feels a tear trickle down her face.
"What's wrong?"
"I think I might be pregnant," She outbursts as she drops to her knees and cries. Joey sits there stunned for a few moments then moves to sit on the floor with Ramona. He takes her in his arms.
"Are you sure, I mean we always used a condom," He says hoping this is all one big joke.
"At the beach bash, we were stoned." She sobs, "You could have not put it on properly it could've fallen off."
"Oh fuck, you're right," He says trying his hardest to think back. "Did you take a pregnancy test yet?" She shakes her head. "Okay, let's go get one," He says helping her up. She wipes the tears from her eyes as he grabs some money off his dresser.

They head down the stairs and out to Ramona's car.
"Can you drive?" she asks as she hands him the keys.
"Yeah sure." He slides into the driver's seat as Ramona goes to the passenger's side. It's only a short drive to the pharmacy and when they get there Joey looks over at Ramona, she's still crying. "I'll go get a test then." He goes into the store and nervously speed walks through the isles till he finds the pregnancy tests. He takes three different types, he didn't want a mistake with something as major as this. He goes up to the cash and the woman looks at him disapprovingly.
"Uh it's for a science project," He says forcing a laugh.
"Oh, I was just going to say how you looked far too young," She says as she puts the tests in a bag. "But isn't school over?"
"Science competitions aren't."
"Oh I see then, well I hope you win," She says as he jostles out of the store.

He gets back into the car and hands the bag to Ramona.
"Three? How many girls did you knock up?" she asks smiling weakly.
"Didn't want room for error." He says as he starts up the car, "where do you want to take this thing?"
"Well my house is full," She says, thinking.
"Only my dad's home and he's probably on the computer so-" he turns the street to his house.

They quietly make their way into the house and up to the second floor bathroom. They lock the door and unwrap the tests carefully reading the instructions to every one. Ramona sits on the toilette, holding the three tests stick under her.
"Here this'll help." Joey says turning on the tap. Ramona places the saturated tests in the sink and looks at her watch.

"Looks like we'll have to wait." She says as she sits on the edge of the tub with her boyfriend.
"I-if you are pregnant," Joey starts off, "I'll be there for you, through all of it, I'll friggin marry you if that makes things right. I won't abandon you, I'll take care of you and the baby, I don't know how, but I'll find a way." Ramona looks into her stuttering boyfriend's eyes and sees he's for real. She plants a firm kiss on his lips.
"I love you," she says after a couple of moments.
"I love you too, and I want you to always know that," Joey says, he glances at his watch again. They sit in silence, holding hands as they wait for the time to pass. Ramona looks at her watch.
"Time's up," She manages to whisper, still clutching hands they walk over to the sink.
"Negative! They're all negative!" Joey exclaims excitedly as he and Ramona embrace each other happily.
"No more stoner sex," Ramona whispers in his ear causing him to laugh.
"I really meant what I said." Joey states. They put everything from the pregnancy tests in the pharmacy bag and Ramona shoves it in her back pack in plans of disposing of them in a public garbage. Once they look over the washroom to make sure there's no evidence they leave the washroom to see Billie Joe walking down the hall.

"Do you think he heard us, what happened?" Ramona whispers. Joey shakes his head.
"He would've confronted us," He says taking her hand as they walked in the opposite direction.

Billie Joe had heard everything that happened, and he thought to himself, "Even though he may have made a few screw-ups, I raised that boy right. He took responsibility for his actions and comforted Ramona like a real gentleman." He never told anyone about what he had heard that day coming from the washroom.
