Sequel: Her Forbidden Fight
Status: finished! Comment for a sequel!

His Punishment Her Dread

Visiting Hours

It's been about 6 weeks since I woke up and they let me out of the hospital two weeks ago. Turns out Ace got thrown in jail for pissing off the cops and so called resisting arrest. He gets out in two months. So basically just in time for my wedding.

Lucky for me today is visiting day. I rolled out of bed kissing Carter sweetly on the lips as i headed to the bathroom to change and do my hair. Once I finished I grabbed my keys and left Carter a message telling him I went to visit Ace.

The drive to the jail was short, as I parked and made my way in. The visiting hours started just a few minutes ago. The lady led me down a long hall to to a huge room with a hockey table, t.v some couches and different games. "Wait here and we will bring the men out shortly." she sang in a high pitched voice.

Then I heard what sounded like a heard of elephants coming down the hall. The doors flung open and tones of huge men came in. I didn't see Ace any were so I decided it would be best to just stay put. Men were running every were acting like children. Really large children with tattoos and gang bandana's

"Hello pretty lady what are you doing here?" a deep voice came from besides me making me jump. I turned to see a huge man looking down at me curiously. "I'm looking for my best friend Ace do you know were he is?" I asked trying my best to sound innocent and sweet.

He smiled lightly. "Let's go look for him. It's not a good idea for you to be walking around here alone pretty girl." He said in sort of a fatherly voice. I just nodded and stood up fallowing the huge man closely.

I heard Ace before I saw him. "Ha I win again fuckers." His voice rang from the corner were a group of men were playing poker. Bruce led me forwards towards the table. I snuck up behind Ace grabbing him on the shoulders. He jumped and flipped around glaring until he saw it was me.

He jumped out of his chair and picked me up swinging me around in a circle in the air above his head. "Hey Princess you came!" he sounded like a little kid on christmas. So excited. He put me down and grabbed me around the waist holding his arm over me. "Guys this is my sister Kayla. Kay this is the guys." he said smiling with a slight warning in his eyes as we stood in front of the guys.

"Nice to meet you." I mumbled leaning my head against Ace's chest. He sat back down and set me on his lap. The boys went back to the game. Every once and a while shooting me a smirk or mouthing grotesque things but I ignored it. Ace seemed strangely at ease here. I expected to find him in a small cell being miserable and alone. It figures Ace would fit in best in a place like this.
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Comment 5 gets the next one!!! Love you guys give me ideas its all most over i have a plan