A two way street to love.

Chapter 2: Airplane Bathrooms

His voice was so totally amazing. Low and kind of husky, but not like you couldn't understand him. Deciding to say something witty was the first coherent thought I had.

"No, actually, I'm cold." I said, blushing. Damn my coloring. "I'm really sorry about that... Streeter."

He smiled. "It's totally cool. You know if that guy won't get out of your seat, you're welcome to stay here."

"Um... thanks, but no thanks." I said, then deciding to live for once, flashed him my sexy smile and said, "But if you are ever on Two-way Island, find me."

"And who are you?"

"Cacia O'Riley. Nice to meet you.... and your friend." I said, looking down at his jean shorts. At least he had the decency to flush in the cheeks a little. Oh my God, he blushed. That is so cute.

He laughed, but was cut off by the woman sitting next to him. She kind of resembled him and that scared me for a second. What if they were related? No, there was no way he'd talk to me if his mom was sitting there, was there? The woman had long brown hair with a little wisp at the end and huge blue eyes. Streeter and she had the same nose- a long straight one with perfect symmetry. And the woman had her nose pierced- there was no way she could be his mom, was there?

"Streeter, who is this?" The woman said. She turned her eyes on Streeter then on me, and I realized I was still sitting on his lap.

"Aunt Stacey this is Cacia. Cacia, Aunt Stacey. We went to middle school together." He flashed me a 'play along' look.

"Oh, how cute. You guys are going to the same place too?" She asked. "What a coincidence."

"Uh-huh. I'm going to show her the bathrooms." Streeter said. I wondered why he didn't just say we just met and that I was leaving, but nonetheless I let him lead me to the bathrooms, noting with delight that his hands were big and calloused. When he opened the bathroom door, he pushed me inside and came in with me. Being as it was a little airplane bathroom, we were a little tight on space. I had just enough room to keep from being molded to him. I set my carry-on bag in the sink once I noted that it was dry. I caught a look at myself in the mirror and stopped for a second to fix my hair. Since I was on an airplane, there really was no need to look that great, so I just had on a little make-up, a snug tee that showed off my boobs and abs, a pair of sweatpants, and my moccasins. My long curly red hair was straightened, but put up in a messy bun. I almost kind of looked sexy in that "I'm not trying to look sexy" way.

"What the-" I started to say. He cut me off though.

"Okay. We went to McNally Middle and had history together. That's how we know each other. We had Mr. Sera, okay?" When I looked confused, he laughed. "You're really cute when you're confused." His eyes were laughing as he smiled. Then as he looked into my eyes, his expression changed. I felt like he was looking right into my soul, which is a really weird feeling, let me just tell you, especially since we had just met. I blushed and kind of shivered, but then all of a sudden, his hand came up and brushed my cheek as his face got closer and closer. Then his lips were on mine and his other hand came up to frame my face. He tasted like the richest wine in a king's time. His lips were soft and soothing as he coaxed mine to open. Then I gasped as his tongue brushed against my bottom teeth. I'd kissed before, but not like this.

I wasn't thinking as I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy-toes as he was almost an entire foot taller than me. I wasn't thinking as I kissed this stranger back and when I chuckled as he pushed me against the wall. I wasn't thinking as his hands left my face to explore my body. I was thinking though as I switched our positions and pushed him against the wall and started to take his shirt off, breaking contact with his lips for only a second. I did take the time to admire his well toned body right before he slipped my shirt off and pulled me to him. Our flesh met and his lips moved down to devour my neck. Then he picked me up so my legs circled him and he could reach my neck easier. Right when his lips started to go a little lower than that, there was a knock on the door.
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and scene :D haha. tell me what you think !!