A two way street to love.

Chapter 5: Family Lives

"Cacia!" Streeter yelled. How long he’d been yelling my name, I couldn’t tell you. I could finally open my eyes. When I did, I didn't see blackness but what I did see was just as bad.

Two flight attendants and Streeter were right up in my face. There was a cold washcloth on my forehead and a straw forcing its way into my mouth.

"What happened?" I asked, shoving the straw aside.

"Oh, good God, you're fine." Streeter said. He hugged me hard.

"Sir, please take your arms off of this young lady." The attendant said before he turned to me, "Ma'am, are you okay? It seems like you fainted."

"No, really?" I asked sarcastically, then I pulled Streeter's arms back around me and I cherished his embrace. "That was scary." I whispered in his ear.

"Are you okay, miss?" The other attendant, a pretty female said. She looked at me with wide, innocent blue eyes and I decided I liked her.

"Yes, thank you." I said, sitting back and untangling myself from Streeter. "I get really airsick and I forgot to take my pill before the flight took off, but I'm okay now, thanks."

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" She asked. Her nametag said Stephanie.

"Umm... yes. Can I have a sprite and some saltine crackers if you have any, please?" I asked, not knowing if they would have any. The male attendant walked away after giving Stephanie a look that I wasn't too fond of.

"Sure. I can get those for you." Stephanie said.

"Thank you so much." Streeter said as she left. He turned to me with concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? You scared me really bad."

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. It scared me, too. I just was distracted and I didn't know the flight was going to take off so fast or else I would have taken my pill before I even got on the plane. I just wasn't thinking." I said.

"Is that my fault?"

"Partly," I said, smiling a little, "But I should've remembered. I was just so keyed up about my mom. But I'm good now. Thank you."

"I didn't do anything." Streeter said.

"No, but most guys would have bolted and you stayed and helped me, so thank you."

"I'm not most guys, but, in that case, you're welcome."

"Yeah, I noticed that."

"So," he said, sitting upright in his seat and removing his seatbelt since we were up in the air already, "Why are you going to Two-way Island Cacia?"

"My family discovered the island once when we were visiting the area. Now my family stays there every summer although it might just be my brother and I this year. My mom seemed a little too interested in that one guy."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when we were in the airport..." I told him the story about getting on the plane and then trailed off. "She's always been the kind of mom that was kind of unconnected and tried to be cool. Like when she would meet my friends, she would just talk about what boys they liked and do our nails and sometimes, like when I was younger, it was cool. I didn't fight with her at all and it was cool. But, then at some point, she just became weird. I stopped having friends over and she never met my friends parents." I turned towards Streeter and settled into my seat. "I had this boyfriend once, right? My first one and I brought him home to meet my mom. It was like sixth grade, so I was like 12 or something. She ended up liking him, liking him. Oh, god it was bad." I stopped when Streeter laughed. "It's really not funny."

"No, I can just picture your face." He imitated a face of horror. I had to laugh.

"What about you?" I asked. "Why are you going to Savannah?"

"Well, my aunt got a job near Savannah, but I don’t know where and I'm going with her to help out. There's a school there that I might go to, if I can convince my mom to let me stay with Aunt Stacey that is. I don't know yet though. Maybe someone will catch my interest." He looked at me when he said that and I could feel myself start to blush again. "How about your family? Is it just you and your brother?"

"My parents got divorced when I was ten and since then, I haven't seen my dad. He got custody of my little brother Shawn and my mom got me. Dad remarried to a really young girl named Jeanne and they are happy and traveling. But ever since the split, my mom has really been into younger guys. So, if she ever gets to the island, she's not meeting you." I laughed at the horror on his face. "That was more like my face. But, anyway, I have an older sister too. Amber. She's twenty and lives in Savannah. Goes to college and all that good stuff. I do have a grandmother, but the only time I hear from her is when she sends me money at Christmas and my birthday."

"Wow." Streeter said. "It sounds like you have a really pathetic family."
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