A two way street to love.

Chapter 7: Before she Arrives

"Cacia's coming on the 18th, did you hear?" Gwendolyn Sharpe asked Cole Richards while they sat on a bench overlooking the ocean surrounding Sheet Island. Gwendolyn was like a Barbie in looks with the long blond straight hair, skinny slim body, and angular features, but like a teddy bear on the inside.

"No!" Cole Richards exclaimed," how come nobody told me? Does everybody else know too?" Cole was one of Gwen's closest friends, who happened to be gay. Gwen loved it though because, hello, he was a great shopper!

"Yeah, Shani probably told everybody. Sorry. I just found out." Gwen apologized to her tanned friend. Cole was absolutely gorgeous and many girls at their school fell for him each year. Gwen had learned that lesson in fifth grade. With his luxurious light blond hair and gorgeous 100 watt smile, he could probably have anyone he wanted, and yet he chose guys, Gwen thought regretfully.

"It's okay. I'm not mad because at least it's not like she's coming tomorrow." Cole said. Then his light blue-gray eyes got a shade darker. "Yesterday was my birthday, June 16th. Which means today is the 17th... oh my gosh! Gwen! C.C.'s coming tomorrow! I have to go remind Mrs. Lacey. I have to get her a present! We have to throw a party!"

Gwen chuckled lightly to herself as Cole got up and, leaving his smoothie behind, ran off.

Just when Gwen was getting ready to go home, she was splashed. Thinking it was a dolphin, she leaned over the small fence and looked six feet down to the water surface.

"Owen, I can see you. The water's clear dummy!" She yelled down to her cute and funny friend that's she'd known since their parents were in diapers. She started to yell at him again, this time for getting her shoes wet, although she didn't really care, when she was picked up and thrown over the fence. Gwen unfolded herself and executed a perfect dive just in time, right next to Owen.

"Beautiful, beautiful, my dear Gwendolyn," Owen McKelly said in a false British accent as soon as she popped the surface.

"Who threw me?" Gwen shouted. "It was Richie, wasn't it? Richard Paul Mein, I will kill you in your sleep tonight!"

Richie leaned down over the fence and flashed his killer smile at her. His long black hair was pulled back with a piece of grass, telling her that he'd gone surfing without his strong ponytail holder again. He had no shirt on, just like Owen, and Gwen could see his muscles bulging. While Owen's trunks were blue and yellow tropical flowers, Richie just wore khaki shorts. His eyes were gray today most likely, Gwen thought, because the weather was hot, and humid, and the sky was gray. Owen splashed her again and she turned to look at him. His dirty blond hair, which was usually gelled into spikes, was flattened on his forehead and his light baby blue eyes were mischievous and anxious.

"Incoming!" Gwen heard. Then out of the blue someone jumped over the fence and landed in the water with a big cannonball. Then another person jumped, did two somersaults, and dived in. Then one more jumped and fell, then at the last second turned and dived.

When the three heads broke the surface, Gwen laughed. Eddie Serria, James Harris, and Shani Angle in all their clothes, treaded water next to her, grinning. Eddie was a skinny, almost scrawny sort of guy, but he is so clever and smooth that it's not hard to get used to him. He had charcoal colored hair with a blue streak in the back left. His eyes matched the streak and his nose was a little crooked to the right from when James broke it last year. Gwen had only known him since fifth grade unlike all the islanders because he lives on the mainland and only comes over on weekends and summer. Gwen looked at James next and thought about the hottie who she'd known one summer. His hair was a deep auburn color- kind of like Cacia's brother Shawn. He had light blue eyes though instead of Shawn's intense green. His nose was broken too, though his to the left, from when Eddie punched him back. James had a little more meat on him, which Gwen definitely loved. It made him seem more human. Shani had been best friends with Gwen since their moms had been born in the same hospital room. They went a long way back and had helped each other through pretty much everything. Shani had short blond hair cut in a bob. It looked so cute on her sharp face, almost like contrast. The harsh beauty of the face to the girly haircut. It helped that she had soft lavender eyes too and that she almost never got angry. Shani was really skinny due to the fact that she used to be bulimic, but as stated, Gwen had helped her through it. She shuddered as she remembered the past and how extremely difficult it had been, but Shani was all better and everything was good now.

"Oh my God, guys!" Gwen yelled as she laughed.
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So the last chapter leaves off with Cacia and Streeter on the plane and she's describing her friends. I'm not sure if I should leave it the way it just ends off or if I should continue with the descriptions (I don't want to be too repetitive ya know?). suggestions would be amazingggg!