A two way street to love.

Chapter 8: Guess who's here?

"And then when he looked at me, I shivered," I said, talking to all of my female friends, the night after I got to the island. We were walking along the coast at dusk. There was one more ferry due in and that's the one Shawn was on. We were meeting it.

"Really?" Ailey asked, her dark blue eyes shining.

"Yeah." I answered, sighing, "I really think more would have happened if his aunt hadn't shown up at the door."

"Sex on a plane, huh? I think you'd be the first C.C." Shani said seriously, but her lips twitched like she was holding back a smile.

"Shani!" Gwen, the good Christian, exclaimed. We saw that the cafe by the ferry dock was open so we sat at once of the outdoor tables.

"Hey ladies." James said as he approached us. His shift at Lamode A Ladmode cafe must have just started because his hair was still wet from the ocean and he had his apron in his hand. "What can I get you?"

A chorus of voices rang out although I kept quiet. The Sheet Island ferry was docking and I could see Shawn. He was walking off it with someone and it looked... no... Not when he was so fresh on my mind and what would he be doing here anyway? I must be hallucinating from wishful thinking. But then Shawn's companion looked around and our gazes met.

"Streeter." I whispered.

"What?" Ailia and Ailey said in unison, their noses scrunching up as they peered towards the docks.

"It's Streeter." I stood up and ran towards the two males. Jump, I thought, narrowly missing the stack of 2 by 4's. He had his arms open and I fell into them. Then when I reached up to kiss him, my lips found his easily and he was drowning me. When I pulled back, all of my friends had surrounded us. Shawn, looking uber cute, was staring at me like he had never seen a girl before.

"What the hell?" Shani asked. "I totally thought you were playing a trick on us for missing April Fool's Day."

"Omg." Gwen said. She turned to Streeter, "Hey, I'm Gwen. I doubt C.C. happened to mention me."

"Actually," He said, in his sexy baritone voice, "You're the cute, nerdy-ish, shy one right?"

Gwen looked shocked. She twirled on me. "You told this total hottie that I was nerdy-ish and shy? And cute? How about totally gorgeous, smart, and fun? How about amazing? How about a-"

"Prick?!" James yelled, then hid behind Ailia, his body barely half covered by her skinny frame.

Gwen spun around, shoved Ailia, and slapped James. "I'M NOT A PRICK!" She yelled, her hair flying in the sudden breeze.

"Anyway," Shani said, "I'm-"

"-Shani, right?" Streeter interrupted, surprising Shani and that's surprising because no one ever surprises Shani. "The really cute one who is never outspoken and loves trouble."

"I like him. Big charmer." Shani said to me. I couldn't help but still feel a little jealous. She'll always be older and prettier, a little voice said in my head. I know, I answered it. "And I love your description of me."

"Who am I? Betcha can't guess!" Ailey said, knowing he'd get confused by her being a twin and all.

"Umm... Can you spin around?" Streeter asked. Ailey looked confused, but she spun, her short dark brown hair swinging in the slight wind. "Judging by the freckle on your left shoulder blade, I'd say you are Ailey Tremont. Nice to meet you."

Ailey was shocked. "Umm... yes. Nice to meet you too. Streeter, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. Everyone, this is Streeter Seli," I said, "my friend."

"Her boyfriend." Streeter corrected. I just stared at him, befuddled. We had had a few liplocks, but other than that, nothing. No one had really liked me, liked me before. The red hair was a turn off.

"Really?" I whispered.

"Yeah, if that's cool." He whispered back. I answered by pressing a kiss to his lips. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Yes." I said. Someone tapped me on the back and when I saw it was Shawn, I leapt out of Streeter's arms. "Shawnie!" I leant down and gave him a big giant hug.

"Hey. You can let go now." He said, wiggling.

"Oh my gosh. My little bro is all grown up. It sucks you didn't make my plane. So, how's life? Actually hold that thought for one second." I turned to my friends and did our signal to shut up. "Shawn, Streeter, and I are going to jet for a little while, so I'll see you guys later at the cafe, right? Midnight?"

A chorus of "yeah" and "Whoo-hoo!" melted into me. The three of us started walking, but then Streeter's cell rang. He talked for a minute and then looked at me regretfully.

"I've got to go, but I'll meet up with you tonight, okay?"

"I guess. Hey, come to the cafe at midnight. We're doing our ritual. 'Kay?" I pulled him into a long, sizzling kiss first then smacked his ass as he walked away.
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She is on the island now and everyone gets to meet Streeter!! Should I add reactions to him from her friends??