

Mitsuki sighed, her brother still hadn't replied to her last e-mail, dragging the mouse down to the last e-mail he had sent her maybe it would have some hint as to why he wasn't responding opening it she read through-
My dearest sister Mitsuki,
Today was fine, thank-you for asking. Yes I've missed you very much too ya squirt. Aunt and uncle have been very kind to me so far, although when I brought one of my girlfriends home last week they were all over me the second she left accusing me of lying about my sexuality. How the HELL was I supposed to know she was hitting on me, you girls are SO confusing! Why do you think I'm gay!? He-he no jk jk girlie. Only about the gay thing though.
Hm-mm so hows school been treating you? Has that Jake guy you sent me a three page e-mail about asked you out yet? Hows Janice? Mom dad treating you OK?
Anyways I got to go kiddo, talk later.
Your brother,

The only thing she could find out of place with it was how short it was! Groaning she turned off the lap-top and closed it. Laying face down on her bed she kicked her legs up behind her and stared at the wall, her brother told her so many things. What had so suddenly changed? Luckily, summer vacation was just around the corner and she could ask him in person. Pulling out her cellphone as it let out it's familiar text-tone.
Clicking it open she stared at her newest text from...Jake? When had he gotten her number?
Her heart beat 100 miles per minute as she read through it.
Hey Mitsuki, your friend Janice gave me you cell so I thought I'd text you and see whats up.
So whats up?

Mitsuki curled her lips together to keep in a high-pitched squeal, not wanting to alarm her deaf to everything but her parents. Her heart bud-umped in her chest as she slid her screen up to reveal the mini keyboard.
Not much. Whats up with you? Closing it again she held her cell-phone close and let out a sigh.
"I am so gonna kill Janice the next time I see her!" The squeal was just low enough she knew her parent's couldn't hear.
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Well hope ya like! One comment before next chapter.