‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


Flying To Destiny

The Lirell greeted them joyously. The menacing werewolf was gone forever. Ty and Isobel quickly climbed onto the backs of the Lirells and made themselves comfortable. Soon it would be dark and the full moon would rise, trapping Ty and Isobel forever. They had to hurry if they were to reach Destiny in time.

But the Lirell knew the way well; they also knew how long it would take. This time the flying was more exciting. Ty and Isobel knew the Lirell would get them to Destiny in time so they were free to relax as the wind soared past them. The Lirell were also more unperturbed and demonstrated some of their amazing flying skills. They swooped, dived and turned somersaults without losing their passengers. They flew right down to the glimmering lake and skimmed along the water, sparkles of water droplets floating past Ty and Isobel. Three mermaids jumped out of the water and over the Lirell, performing more tricks for the passengers. The sunset reflected in the calm water was one of the most spectacular that Ty and Isobel had seen; they felt like the only two people in the world. Hues of pinks and purples mixed together and radiated over the vast sky, blending into the deep red of the gathering clouds.

The white castle of Destiny loomed up from the middle of the lake. Ty wasn’t surprised to see that the castle actually floated and was not supported by anything. Nothing about this planet could surprise him anymore. The Lirell flew through the silvery mist that shrouded the castle and headed towards a drawbridge.

“The mythical rainbow bridge,” breathed Isobel, her eyes shinning from the sight of it.

“The what?” asked Ty, though he quickly saw what she was talking about.

“The drawbridge; the rainbow bridge. It’s made out of every single gem that you could think of; and some we have never heard of on earth. Its beauty outstands everything possible – stand a beautiful creature on it and that creature shall look dull. Yet place the ugliest creature on it and the rainbow bridge seems to share some of its beauty, for the creature no longer looks as ugly. Though this only happens whilst on the bridge, once leaving they return to normal,” the Lirell that the Isobel was riding explained.

The Lirell flew to the edge of the rainbow bridge and deposited Ty and Isobel. They exchanged their goodbyes with the creatures and turned to face the long walk to the doorway. Ty turned to face Isobel as he went to grasp her hand, but he did not recognise this woman next to him. Instead of the young red head, there was an old stooped woman with haggard features.

“Who are you?” Ty asked her, a panic rising in his throat, “What have you done with my Isobel?”

“What do you mean young man? I am Isobel, though I don’t know who you are, I was here with my soulmate Tyrone.”

Isobel looked at the man next to her. He slightly resembled Ty, but at the same time did not. For this man looked like a warrior, and a handsome one at that. She sighed, Ty had never been handsome but she had loved him all the same.

“I am Ty, and you say you are Isobel though you certainly don’t look like her. There must be somethi-”

“The bridge!” shouted Isobel, “Remember what the Lirell said, it changes our appearances.”

Just then they both felt the ground vanish beneath their feet. Clinging onto the edge of the bridge they dragged themselves up as more cracks appeared on the bridge.

“Run to the doors! The bridge is breaking; I guess it didn’t like us working it out.” Ty grabbed Isobel’s hand and they ran as fast as they could with the sounds of the bridge collapsing right behind them. Neither of them realised they had reached the doors until they ran straight into something ice cold.

Looking up, the two large ice doors travelled upwards forever. They looked as unwelcoming as the thought of staying a werewolf forever.

“Is Destiny a giant? An ice giant? Why are the doors so big and cold?” Ty asked. Before Isobel could answer, the doors swung inwards and a voice boomed out,
