‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


The Story Continues

“It was one night, asleep in my bed, I didn’t feel a thing. But then I woke up feeling seasick. I was in a sack, with my hands and feet bound and my mouth gagged, being carried on someone’s back. I fell back into a fitful doze; and woke later on a bed, still bound but no longer gagged.

The villagers were no different to the ones I had previously lived with. They had known I was the werewolf because me fur had a reddish tinge to it, and I was the only person in that area with flame red hair. They told me that they wanted to help me. I was amazed, here I was, the creature who had just murdered the majority of their village; and they still wanted to help me.

So I listened as they told me all about Destiny, the creator of worlds, creatures, universes...stars. I listened as they told me of how Destiny could help me control my werewolf by finding my inner totem animal which would balance out the manic wolf in me. I was in awe. I wanted to go to this man straight away; but the journey was long. The villagers knew of three entries to Destiny’s world, but it was not until we got to the last one that we managed to get through. All the rest had fallen in and were impassable.

I expected the villagers to leave me to find my own way, but they carried on to. I was grateful and didn’t question them. Eventually we reached Destiny’s home. A white palace on a crystal clear lake. He lived in a world that you only thought existed in your dreams.

After gaining entry to his house, I explained why I had come. But he barely acknowledged me; instead he turned his attention to the villagers who were behind me.

“AH! I see you have fulfilled your destiny.” He said to them.
His voice was melodic and soothing. It turned out that one of the village women had had a dream of me; and my journey here. It said they would be rewarded if they helped me. And so they did, and so they were. Destiny granted life back to their kinsmen that had been slaughtered by me, and then they were presented with their own world to populate and nurture.

Once they had left, Destiny turned back to me. He knew why I was here, but it was too late to cure me fully of my werewolf symptoms. Instead I was given the shape of a wolf that I may take at will, to help combat the werewolf; yet in the light of a full moon I still take werewolf form. It has been my destiny to find my soulmate and travel with him to Destiny’s realm. Only then can my werewolf symptoms be gone and my true animal form be found.

That is why we must hurry; otherwise you and I are destined for werewolves forever.”