‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


The Cave

The days after Isobel’s story passed quickly. The weather got colder as they climbed higher up the mountain and the days grew shorter. Ty and Isobel’s relationship progressed now that they new more about each other.

Then one afternoon Lady Luck grabbed hold of Ty’s arm and held him back.

“This is it.” She said, pointing at a cave entrance in the cliff face; covered in ivy and moss.

“We’ve got to go in there? It’s dark...scary... there could be beasties!” Isobel stared at Ty with a look of incredulous on her smooth face.

“Beasties? You’re kidding right? You have powers, your not a pure human anymore remember – now get in that cave before I drag you in myself.”

Ty gulped and tried to focus on something happy; his first sight of Lady Luck came into his mind and he chose that to see him through this black hole. Slowly they entered and the darkness surrounded them.

The mouth of the cave was wide, and high. But the further they moved on, the narrower it became. Soon Ty had to crouch; it was easier for Isobel as she has transformed into a wolf and was leading the way because her wolf eyes could see in the dark better. Suddenly Ty bumped into Isobel as she had stopped still.

“What’s the matter?” he asked her.
Then Ty got a shock as instead of replying out loud, Lady Luck answered in his head,

{Shush...talk with your thoughts, you can do it, you’re not human! There’s something there and I don’t want it to hear us}

Focusing really hard on an image of Lady Luck, Ty projected his thought towards her and hoped it reached her

{What’s there? And how do you no it cant smell us}

{It’s a Grillop. A small slimy creature that lives by being a sneak...don’t worry, it can’t smell us because years of living in the sewers have stopped the scent gene developing. They just have very good hearing. Stay here, I’m going to dispose of it}
Lady Luck crept silently over towards the Grillop and pinned it down.

“Who sent you and what are you after?” she growled at it.

“Don’t harm me I beg of you” the pathetic Grillop wept, “I was sent by Destiny to see who had crossed the boundaries.”

“LIES!” shouted Lady Luck; but she let it go.

“Why did you let it go?” Ty asked her.

“Who ever sent it already knows we are here, and will probably dispose of it themselves; I don’t like to have murder on my conscience.”

The rest of the tunnel went smoothly, it got darker and narrower but then suddenly it widened up into the most beautiful cave Ty had ever seen. It was more like a grotto; with a waterfall and pool, stalagmites and stalactites and the best crystals he had ever seen.

Lady Luck and Lord Chance left the cave reluctantly and entered the realm of Destiny.